Baseline DNA methylation profile predicts severe SARS-CoV-2 developmental trajectory post hospitalization

Speaker: Fei-Man Hsu, Ph.D. IDRE Fellow Department of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology University of California Los Angeles      Time: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (PST) Date: September 27, 2024 Zoom link: Register here to get the zoom link Abstract: DNA methylation is associated with pathogenesis and disease progression.  The IMPACC cohort includes hospitalized...
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Markdown, Zotero, and Quarto for Academic Writing and Publishing


Are you tired of wasting precious time converting your research documents into public websites and presentations? Have you ever needed to change the format of your writing to fit a journal or to meet publisher’s requirements? Do you wish there was some way to repurpose your writing and research for presentations, websites, and other platforms...
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HPC@UCLA: Intro to H2C (the Hoffman2 Cluster)

OARC Portal 5628 Math Science Building

The Hoffman2 Cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. Come and learn what is it and how you can get started using it. Click here to register 

Disability Culture and Allyship


A training about disability culture at UCLA and the larger world. Learn about accessibility vs accommodations and how to best inclusive to people with disabilities at work and in the classroom.

New Platforms for Building Virtual 3D Environments: Replacement Platforms for Mozilla Hubs


Are you interested in creating and publishing 3D virtual environments on the Web? Would you like to be able to quickly spatially model multimedia assets? This workshop will introduce you to foundational techniques and resources which will enable you to produce WebXR (eXtended Reality) content. This spring, Mozilla sunsetted their WebXR platform, Mozilla Hubs, and builder, Spoke....
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Docker containerization: Fundamentals


Built on a hypervisor of the host operating system, a virtual machine (VM) provides an isolated virtual environment that allows for the execution of guest operating systems and applications. However, VMs often demand substantial computing resources to run these systems and programs. In recent years, an advanced technique known as containerization has emerged as an...
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Intro to using Mobile Apps in Research Studies


Nearly 7 out of 8 billion of the world's population uses mobile phones. Learn about several uses in research including information dissemination techniques, data (image/audio/video) collection, geo-tagged content and gamification. Leveraged for recruitment, collecting digital consent, experimentation with wearable and other sensor/edge devices, psychological interventions, EMAs and randomized notification systems.

Docker containerization: Practice


Built on a hypervisor of the host operating system, a virtual machine (VM) provides an isolated virtual environment that allows for the execution of guest operating systems and applications. However, VMs often demand substantial computing resources to run these systems and programs. In recent years, an advanced technique known as containerization has emerged as an...
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Intro to Digital Accessibility in Research


What is digital accessibility? How can the research enterprise be more prepared to be inclusive of people with disabilities. What should an IRB be evaluating in terms of digital accessibility?

HPC@UCLA: Working at the UNIX shell & Environmental Modules on H2C (the Hoffman2 Cluster)

OARC Portal 5628 Math Science Building

Knowledge of Linux is key to successfully using most HPC resources, including the Hoffman2 Cluster. This workshop introduces users to basic usage of the command line interface (CLI), basic file manipulation and the filesystem hierarchy. Environmental modules and modification of the user environment will also be introduced. Click here to register

Learning Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) at Hoffman2

OARC Portal 5628 Math Science Building

As the excitement around ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) continues to grow, many are exploring how to leverage these technologies in their own domains to achieve more targeted and advanced responses. Among the emerging techniques, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) stands out as one of the most impactful. In this 2-hour lecture, I will introduce...
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Using GitHub for Collaboration and Project Management


Do you build software applications and use GitHub for your code versioning? In this workshop you will learn about GitHub Projects and how to create and resolve issues. You will also learn how to create and respond to pull requests, how to create and manage repositories, and how to create forks and branches of code...
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HPC@UCLA: Jupyter Notebooks/JupyterLan on H2C (the Hoffman2 Cluster)

OARC Portal 5628 Math Science Building

Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab are a powerful tool for interactive computing and for proof of concept implementations. Come and learn how to open jupyter sessions on your local browser while harnessing the computing power on the Hoffman2 Cluster. Work in a conda/python environment, in R, julia or many other programming languages. Click here to Register

Research Study Design Considerations for Mobile Technology


Study designs that includes mobile apps requires planning, forethought, and awareness of the data needed to achieve your grant’s “specific aims”. Mobile devices are near ubiquitous but if you are building one into your study you will need to consider several laws (Common Rule, HIPAA, 21 CFR) and regulatory bodies that govern some aspects of...
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Introduction to Version Control with Git, Part 1


As a computational researcher, it can be essential to know how to use version control in order to run other people’s code or to develop code as part of a multi-person development team. Git is one software tool for version control that helps users manage software and software changes over time. This workshop will introduce...
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Learning Neural Network


Neural networks are the "beating heart" of modern LLM-based AI systems, driving everything from image recognition to natural language processing. In this 2-hour lecture, we'll explore the foundational concepts of neural networks and their pivotal role in deep learning projects. This session is designed to be accessible to all, with a focus on intuitive explanations...
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HPC@UCLA: Interactive Computing on H2C (the Hoffman2 Cluster)

OARC Portal 5628 Math Science Building

Learn how to perform interactive computing on the Hoffman2 Cluster. From requesting the computational resources needed for your interactive session to loading and starting TUI and GUI applications. Click here to register

Introduction to Version Control with Git, Part 2


GitHub is a web-based platform for software projects using Git. This workshop will continue the Git introduction by focusing on how to use the features of GitHub for accessing, managing, and collaborating on software. We will also extend the discussion of Git fundamentals to include more advanced topics such as merge conflicts and branches.

HPC@UCLA: Batch Job Submission on H2C (the Hoffman2 Cluster)

OARC Portal 5628 Math Science Building

Batch computing enables you to execute concurrently or independently a large number of simulations, practically scaling up your ability to conduct research. Come and learn the basics of how to submit jobs, how to request resources and how to take advantage of very many CPU and GPU cores on the Hoffman2 Cluster. Click here to...
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Overcoming Common Issues on Hoffman2 Cluster


In this workshop, we will explore several frequent challenges encountered when using the Hoffman2 cluster. Attendees will gain practical knowledge on how to address these issues independently, enhancing their efficiency in utilizing the cluster. We will cover the following topics: User Environment: Understanding and managing your user settings. File Path Issues: Navigating and resolving common...
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Mobile Apps for Research


Mobile App Research allows for flexible collection of data. Being “in the field” can now happen anytime and anywhere. This is true across a broad spectrum of disciplines today including public health, life sciences, digital humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, public affairs, mhealth and more. Techniques to collect data can leverage notification systems, be randomized,...
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Using GitHub for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment


Do you write and version code in Github? In this workshop you will learn how to use Github Actions to automatically and securely deploy your source code across your infrastructure. Join this workshop to learn how to leverage GitHub’s advanced CI/CD tools that come with the Github Enterprise account to enhance your DevOps practice.

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