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Funding Opportunities from IDRE

2024-2025 Workshops and Seminars

The Institute for Digital Research and Education (IDRE) regularly solicits proposals for workshops and seminars focused on topics that impact digitally-enabled research at UCLA. Funded events typically address research challenges, emerging methodologies, software or tools, computational questions, or advances in hardware and infrastructure. The program’s goals are to address critical research issues, bring together UCLA faculty, and establish new collaborations that can lead to new funding opportunities or campus investments. Priority is given to topics of significant impact to multiple research areas across campus.


Workshop awards typically support up to $5,000 to cover expenses; the seminar award typically supports up to $1,000 to cover costs. Co-sponsored proposals are welcome. The Office of Advanced Research Computing (OARC) Portal is available as a free venue (pending scheduling confirmation), and event support and promotion will be provided by OARC staff via its partnership with IDRE. Funds may be used to cover expenses, including but not limited to: travel and accommodations for visiting speakers/participants, catering, and event costs. Award funds may be used for small honorariums rather than travel if the proposal is for a virtual workshop/seminar. It is anticipated that at least one of each type of award will be funded per submission cycle.


Applications are welcome from any member of the UCLA Academic Senate or full-time appointees in the Adjunct Professor or Professional Research series.


The proposal narrative should be one to two pages. It should clearly identify the topic to be covered, its impact on the UCLA/IDRE research community, possible speakers or participants, and desired outcomes for the event. The proposal should address the mode of delivery (in-person, hybrid, or virtual) and the time frame when the event would be held. 

The proposed budget request should be no more than one page explaining how the funds would be spent. 

Submissions should be sent to


Proposals are due Friday, August 16, 2024, and the award announcement will be made within a couple of weeks after the deadline.

Questions? Please send an email to

Institute for Digital Research and Education (IDRE) Postdoctoral Fellowships

UCLA’s Institute for Digital Research and Education invites applications for post-doctoral fellowships. These IDRE fellowships will provide partial support for research conducted in the academic year 2024-25 and related to the IDRE focus areas, including projects involving advanced computing, GPU and many core-based computing architectures, statistical computing and data science, and informatics, including deep learning, virtual reality, GIS, data visualization, and 3D modeling.  The IDRE scholars will have direct access to and interact with technologists within the OARC Research Technology Groups and relevant IDRE-affiliated faculty and researchers.

Any postdoc or individual who holds a doctoral degree and is engaged in advanced training and education, and who conducts research under the guidance of a faculty member at UCLA, is eligible to apply for the IDRE fellowship.

Proposals of no more than two pages must be submitted by the faculty mentor/project PI. Successful submissions will have identified a fellow candidate, a clear articulation of their intended contribution to an ongoing research project, its broader impacts, and a commitment from project partners to provide additional funding, facilities, and other support for the candidate. The proposal should contain a description of the project that features innovative and computationally based solutions to research problems with a potentially broad impact to the campus will be given the highest priority. Illustrations and appendices of no more than two pages can be added to support the application narrative.

The IDRE fellows will be required to present their own research. Over the year, they will also be asked to help organize activities for the IDRE Early Career Researchers (ECR) group, including a workshop related to their own research interests. Typical yearly events for the ECR group involve an initial poster session, monthly seminars or workshops, and a concluding event such as a panel session or a similar interactive activity. 

It is anticipated that two to four fellowships will be awarded with typical awards between $5,000 and $10,000. Funding for successful applications will be transferred directly to the faculty mentors’ home departments as a way to partially defray costs for the research appointment. The list of previous recipients can be found at

Application process

The application deadline is July 5, 2024. The Principal Investigator should fill up the application form using the following link:

The form requires information about the Principal Investigator and the post-doctoral candidate. It will ask the submitter to upload a single file containing the two-page proposal with (optionally) up to two pages of illustrations or appendices in Word or PDF format. The proposal file should clearly describe the project, its importance in terms of innovation and broader impacts, and a statement of commitment for additional funding and support from the PI.

Applications will be reviewed by an IDRE-affiliated faculty and researcher committee. Please reach out to T.V.Singh (email: for any questions or clarifications.