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Petascale Computing Institute

August 19, 2019 @ 8:00 am - August 23, 2019 @ 3:00 pm

UCLA-IDRE, in partnership with Blue Waters, is pleased to virtually host 2019 Petascale Computing Institute at UCLA:

When: August 19-23, 2019 (8 AM-3 PM PDT each day)
Where: 5628 Math Sciences Bldg.
Contact: T.V. Singh

The goal of the institute is to enable computational and data-enabled discovery in all fields of study by teaching the participants to scale their computational codes to leadership-class computing systems. The institute will be beneficial to researchers who are preparing to scale their codes to petascale-class resources, people who are working on parallel codes, or have a need to scale up computational codes and/or data analysis programs. Individuals who are current or pending users of large-scale HPC systems will benefit the most from this institute.

Participants will receive training accounts, on-site mentoring, and the ability to ask questions of the presenters orally.

For detailed information, visit Petscale Computing Institute website.

Click Here For Registration


Agenda (all times are in PDT):

Day Monday, August 19 Tuesday, August 20 Wednesday, August 21 Thursday, August 22 Friday, August 23
8:00 Keynote – Gordon Bell
MPI OpenACC Python (in HPC) Software Engineering Best Practices
9:00 Computing Paradigms MPI CUDA Python (in HPC) Containers
10:00 Working Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
11:00 Resources at ANL Resources at NCSA Resources at NERSC Resources at ORNL Resources at PSC
11:10 OpenMP Hybrid (MPI + OpenMP) CUDA Debugging, Profiling, Optimization Resources at SciNet
Resources at TACC
12:00 OpenMP Survey of Libraries CUDA Debugging, Profiling, Optimization Survey of Visualization Resources;
13:00 Break Break Break Break Wrap-up and Adjourn
13:30 MPI OpenACC CUDA and OpenACC; practical linear algebra optimization exercise Parallel I/O Best Practices
15:00 Adjourn Adjorn Adjourn Adjorn




August 19, 2019 @ 8:00 am
August 23, 2019 @ 3:00 pm
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5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095 United States
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