Institute for Digital Research and Education
In this talk, I introduce the concepts and jargon of power and sample size calculations such as alpha levels, power, and minimum detectable effect sizes. I do several simple calculations manually and then demonstrate how to replicate these calculations using Stata’s -power- commands. Next, I demonstrate how to create tables and graphs for power, sample size, and minimum detectable effect sizes for a range of values. We will conclude with a discussion of strategies to increase statistical power.
The second part of the talk demonstrates how to calculate power using simulation methods and how to create your own custom power calculation programs that leverage Stata’s -power- command to create custom tables and graphs. We will work examples that simulate power for a t-test, the interaction term in a linear regression model, and the interaction term in a multilevel model. Along the way you will learn how to create simulated datasets, use Stata’s -simulate- command, and how to write your own Stata commands using -program- and -syntax-.
The information for the Zoom meeting will be sent out the day before the presentation.