Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (1) Introduction


This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected to get benefits from related discussions as well. In the first session of the series, we will give a broad introduction about deep learning and neural network. No specific prerequisite is required.

Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (2) Mechanics of Learning


This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected to get benefits from related discussions as well. In the second session of the series, we will look into the procedures of working on a general deep learning project, especially on how to train a deep neural network...

Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (3) Knowing PyTorch


This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected to get benefits from related discussions as well. In the third session of the series, we will introduce PyTorch deep learning framework, illustrate the basic usage of tensors and automatic differentiation, and solve a simple temperature-conversion problem using PyTorch...

Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (4) Convolutional Neural Networks


This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected to get benefits from related discussions as well. In the fourth session of the series, we will introduce convolutional neural network and learn how to use PyTorch to do image processing for classic Dogs-vs-Cats problem...

Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (5) Improving CNNs Performance


This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected to get benefits from related discussions as well. In the fifth session of the series, we will introduce data augmentation and transfer learning techniques to get a better solution for deep learning projects with PyTorch...

Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (6) Generative Adversarial Networks


This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected to get benefits from related discussions as well. In the sixth session of the series, we will introduce Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and illustrate the fundamental GAN techniques on how to use DCGANs to generate dog images with PyTorch...

Learning Convolutional Neural Networks (1)


Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Please Register here in advance for this lecture. This workshope will be an introduction on convolutional neural network. We will start our learning on how to use PyTorch to do image processing for classic Dogs-vs-Cats problem. The knowledge of topics covered in the previous sessions is...
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