Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Connecting to the Hoffman2 Cluster from Windows

Zoom & OARC Portal MS 5628

The Hoffman2 Happy Hours are designed to showcase one cluster related topic in a short presentation (no more than 20 minutes and generally much less) or lightning talk format, to be followed by 30 to 40 minutes of discussion and user support (office hour style). Each Hoffman2 Happy Hour meeting is 50 minutes long. Bring...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Connecting to the Hoffman2 Cluster from MacOS or Linux

Zoom & OARC Portal MS 5628

The Hoffman2 Happy Hours are designed to showcase one cluster related topic in a short presentation (no more than 20 minutes and generally much less) or lightning talk format, to be followed by 30 to 40 minutes of discussion and user support (office hour style). Each Hoffman2 Happy Hour meeting is 50 minutes long. Bring...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Introduction to the Hoffman2 Cluster


Account creation, connecting via terminal, requesting interactive sessions, loading software in a user environment. Any questions about this workshop can be emailed to Raffaella D'Auria at dauria@oarc.ucla.edu. Presented by the Office of Advanced Research Computing. Register here: https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIldemvqjotE93gkZrOw-jowhGR58Q_dtKB

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