Institute for Digital Research and Education
MATLAB has been used in research and the industry for computations, data analysis and visualization across multiple disciplines such as physical sciences, engineering, economics, and biomedical fields. This class will demonstrate how to use MATLAB to create data visualization and animation for publications or presentations. We will discuss many plotting functions and techniques available in MATLAB and learn how to use these commands to handle and customize your graphics in practice. The materials include simple 2D/3D plots to present scalers and vectors, filled plots to handle continuously spatial data, geographic plots to deal with geographic information, animation to show variation in temporal data. We will also discuss the methods to save figures to specific file formats. Due to a similar structure to MATLAB function, the corresponding commands of Matplotlib used in Python will be also introduced so one can easily apply these plotting techniques in Python.
To register:
Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time.
If you have any further questions regarding the workshop, please contact instructor, Jerry Huang.