Institute for Digital Research and Education
This workshop will cover advanced topics in the analysis of complex survey data. Familiarity with common sampling plans and how to analyze data from them is necessary to understand the topics that will be discussed. It is strongly suggested that attendees who do not have such familiarity attend the Introduction to Survey Data Analysis workshop before attending this workshop.
The workshop presents several advanced topics in dealing with complex survey data, including imputation, generating and using propensity scores, multilevel modeling and latent variable models. The workshop will discuss the use of several different statistical software packages (including SAS, Stata and Mplus), but no single software package will be used for all examples.
If you have questions or comments regarding this event, contact Statistical Consulting Group.
NOTE: This event is only available in-person at UCLA. There will not be online access to this event. Please only register for the event if you are able to attend in-person.