If you currently use Hoffman2 or are interested in doing so, this is a great opportunity to get information on UCLA’s shared high-performance computing environment and provide feedback to the IDRE Research Technology Group on the future direction of the service.
The meeting will include a quick overview of the Hoffman2 cluster, HPC storage, and our Cloud Archival Storage Service (CASS). There will also be technical presentations on the scheduling system, using tiered storage, as well as other topics suggested by our user community. Most importantly we want to hear from you, so bring your questions and ideas and get them heard.
Lunch will be served, so please be sure to RSVP.
A detailed agenda will be provided within the next couple of weeks.
If you have suggestions for topics that you feel would appeal to a broad audience of your fellow Hoffmn2 users, please email them to Bill Labate, labate@idre.ucla.edu. We will make every effort to incorporate your suggestions into the meeting as time permits.
We hope to see you there!
The IDRE Research Technology Group