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Registered reports are a new publication mechanism where researchers submit a research proposal to a journal that is peer-reviewed, and upon acceptance, the journal agrees to publish the results of the study regardless of the outcome. Registered reports help address key issues which have resulted in replication crises in multiple academic fields, such as publication bias and p-hacking. In this workshop, you will learn how to publish registered reports, the value of registered reports, how registered reports align with incentives for researchers, and how registered reports can interface with broader research systems (e.g., labs and trainees).
After this workshop, attendees will be able to…
Presenters: Dr. Amanda Kay Montoya is a Quantitative Methodologist in the Department of Psychology at UCLA. Dr. William Krenzer is a Scientific Integrity Associate at Duke University. Drs. Montoya and Krenzer are funded by NSF to research the adoption and impact of registered reports in scientific practice. The team has experience submitting and publishing multiple registered reports, as well as extensive experience with researchers considering and implementing registered reports and developing tools to improve the ease with which researchers can conduct registered reports.