Introduction to Data Visualization

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

There are many ways to communicate the results of research. Visually representing data provides a valuable perspective within an academic argument. Data visualizations provide an overview or snapshot of a dataset, draw attention to outliers, demonstrate trends, or simply help us to understand our data better. Functioning as evidentiary support, data visualizations can sharpen key...
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Data Processing and Visualization using MATLAB


MATLAB, developed by MathWorks, has been used in research and the industry for computations, simulations, data analysis and visualization across multiple disciplines such as physical sciences, engineering, economics, and biomedical fields. This class will discuss and demonstrate how to import data, perform data analysis, trend analysis, and various data/file exchange formats using the MATLAB desktop...
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Rebel Story Mapping: Critical Perspectives on Data Visualizations


Learn how to break the rules of mapmaking! This workshop's main lecture introduces disruptive mapping practices from critical cartography and indigenous critical theory and applies them to a Critical COVID-19 Story map built on Esri StoryMaps platform. The technical portion focuses on learning how to set up an Esri Public Account, incorporating media and external...
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Introduction to Data Visualization


Please RVSP here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop. There are many ways to communicate the results of research. Visually representing data provides a valuable perspective within an academic argument. Data visualizations provide an overview or snapshot of a dataset, draw attention to...
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Data Visualization with Python I: Plotting Fundamentals


Python is a very popular language for computational and data science, and it has many powerful capabilities for visualizing data.  Data visualization plays an essential role in representing data so that its underlying patterns might be conveyed and understood.  The first part of this series will showcase various ways that Python can be used for...
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Data Visualization with Python II: Making Interactive Plots and Widgets


Python is a very popular language for computational and data science, and it has many powerful capabilities for visualizing data.  Data visualization plays an essential role in representing data so that its underlying patterns might be conveyed and understood.  The second part of this series will explore various ways that Python can be used to...
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R Graphics: Introduction to ggplot2


Zoom registration required: This seminar teaches the “grammar” of graphics that underlies the ggplot2 package, allowing the user to build eye-catching, publication-quality graphics layer-by-layer. We cover the basic elements of the grammar of graphics, including aesthetics, geoms, scales, and themes, and we will show you how easy ggplot2 makes it to integrate these elements...
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Data Visualization with Julia


The Julia language has a unified interface to its plotting functionalities, supported by multiple backends such as plotly and pyplot (matplotlib). We will cover the fundamentals of Julia's plotting capability, and show the process of creating data visualization from select examples, including interactive and animated plots. Registration required.

Building a patient motion model for Radiotherapy


    Speaker: Ricky Savjani, Ph.D. IDRE Scholar, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of California Los Angeles     Abstract: Several technological advances in radiotherapy have enabled the use of focused radiation to treat solid tumors within the thoracic cavity. Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) offers a way to treat patients with high doses of...
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Learning Convolutional Neural Networks (1)


Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Please Register here in advance for this lecture. This workshope will be an introduction on convolutional neural network. We will start our learning on how to use PyTorch to do image processing for classic Dogs-vs-Cats problem. The knowledge of topics covered in the previous sessions is...
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Learning Convolutional Neural Networks (2)


Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Please Register here in advance for this lecture. This workshope will be the second lecture on the introduction to convolutional neural network. We will continue our learning on how to apply data augmentation and transfer learning techniques to get a better solution for the classic Dogs-vs-Cats...
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Learning Generative Adversarial Networks


Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Please Register here in advance for this lecture. This workshope will the introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We will illustrate the fundamental GAN techniques on how to use DCGANs to generate do images using PyTorch. The knowledge of topics covered in the previous sessions is...
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Scientific Visualization with Paraview


Paraview is an open-source cross-platform program for interactive scientific visualization. Paraview can run as a stand-alone visualization tool, as well as in a client-server fashion for remote visualization. In this tutorial, we will explore the visualization pipeline and basic features in Paraview. We will show how to prepare data files from scratch. We will demonstrate...
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Data Visualization with Python I: Plotting Fundamentals


Python is a very popular language for computational and data science, and it has many powerful capabilities for visualizing data in the pursuit of understanding and conveying underlying patterns. The first part of this series will showcase various ways that Python can be used for creating graphics, following which we’ll dive into some common Python...
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Data Visualization with Python II: Making Interactive Plots and Dashboards


Python is a very popular language for computational and data science, and it has many powerful capabilities for visualizing data in the pursuit of understanding and conveying underlying patterns. The second part of this series will explore various ways that Python can be used to make interactive graphics that enhance one's ability to explore data...
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Data Visualization with Python I: Plotting Fundamentals


Python is a very popular language for computational and data science, and it has many powerful capabilities for visualizing data in the pursuit of understanding and conveying underlying patterns. The first part of this series will showcase various ways that Python can be used for creating graphics, following which we’ll dive into some common Python...
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Data Visualization with Python II: Making Interactive Plots and Dashboards


Python is a very popular language for computational and data science, and it has many powerful capabilities for visualizing data in the pursuit of understanding and conveying underlying patterns. The second part of this series will explore various ways that Python can be used to make interactive graphics that enhance one’s ability to explore data...
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Data Visualization with Python I: Plotting Fundamentals


Python is a very popular language for computational and data science, and it has many powerful capabilities for visualizing data in the pursuit of understanding and conveying underlying patterns. The first part of this series will showcase various ways that Python can be used for creating graphics, following which we’ll dive into some common Python...
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Data Visualization with Python II: Making Interactive Plots and Dashboards


Python is a very popular language for computational and data science, and it has many powerful capabilities for visualizing data in the pursuit of understanding and conveying underlying patterns. The second part of this series will explore various ways that Python can be used to make interactive graphics that enhance one’s ability to explore data...
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