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Call for Papers or Presentations: Tigrinya Language Digital Initiatives

Call for Papers or Presentations: Tigrinya Language Digital Initiatives
ንምቕራብ ስነ ምርምራዊ  ጽሑፋወይ ኣስተምህሮ፡ ኣብ ጉባኤ ዲጂታዊ ተበግሶታት ቋንቋ ትግርኛ

UCLA ASC and IDRE are extending calls for Papers and Presentations on Digital Initiatives relating to the Tigrinya language.

Scholars and experts in African-Semitic Languages, Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing (NLP), AI (Artificial Intelligence), Corpus Building, Language Reform and Standardization, Software Development, and related disciplines are encouraged to submit academic papers or presentations on completed, ongoing, or future Tigrinya language technology projects.
እዚ ጉባኤ ዲጂታዊ ተበግሶታት ቋንቋ ትግርኛ ብሓልዮት
ናይ UCLA – IDRE ከምኡውንASC ዝተዳለኮይኑ፣ ምሁራትን ክኢላታት ሴማውን-ኣፍሪቃዊን ቋንቋታት: ብዛዕባ መስርሕ ባህርያዊ ንቋ (NLP)፡ ኣርተፊሻል ኢንተሊጀንስ (AI)፣ ምዕባለ ናይ ባህርያዊ ቋንቋታት ሶፍትዌር፡ ህንጸት ማዕከን ቃላት፡ ከምኡውን ምስኡ ዝቀራርብ ስነ-ፍልጠት ቋንቋታት ክሳተፉ ንዕድም። እቲ ርብ ስራሓት፡ ኣቀዲሙ ዝተዛዘመወይ ኣብ መስርሕ ዘሎወይ ኣብ መጻኢ ክግበር እተወጠነ ፕሮጀክትታት ክኸውን ይኽእል። እቲ ትሕዝቶ ስነምርምርን ምዕባለን፡ ከም ኣካዳምያዊ ጽሑፋት ወይ’ከኣ ከም ሓጺር ኣስተምህሮ ኮይኑ ክርብ ይኽእ

Research on NLP, text and voice data mining, analytics, and optical character recognition (OCR) related application development work would be of the highest importance to the ongoing efforts. Submissions can be individual or collaborative work. 

The Tigrinya Language Digital Initiatives symposium is tentatively scheduled for June 16 – 19, 2022.

እዚ ጉባኤ ዲጂታዊ ተበግሶታል ቋንቋ ትግርኛ፡  ኩነታት እንተሰሚሩ፡ ን 16 – 19 ሰነ፡ 2022 ተመዲቡ ኣሎ።

Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, at the moment, the conference is scheduled as a Virtual event. Should there be any possibility to hold the event in person, updated information and event details will be sent out in the coming months.

Tigrinya (Along with Arabic) is the national language of Eritrea. It is a Semitic language spoken in Eritrea and in the Tigray and adjacent regions of Northern Ethiopia. 

The root language of Tigrinya, called “Geez”, is an ancient, and the only African language with its own script. It is currently used for ecclesiastical liturgy and worship services in churches and monasteries throughout Ethiopia and Eritrea.
It is estimated that over 15 million people speak the Tigrinya language in Eritrea and Ethiopia, and millions of Eritrean and Ethiopian diasporas and their friends around the globe.

Detailed conference information and submission guidelines are available at the Tigrinya Language Digital Initiatives website.

Paper/Presentation submission information and guidelines is available here.

Questions related to the symposium Paper and/or Presentation proposals can be submitted online here.