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IDRE Early Career Researcher’s Group Opens Call for Abstracts

The IDRE Early Career Researcher’s (ECR) Group* aims to bring together scholars from a variety of disciplines and methodological perspectives interested in advancing cross-disciplinary research in computational and data sciences as well as in physical, life, engineering, behavioral and social sciences at UCLA. As the first step towards developing this community of young researchers, IDRE will host a luncheon for scholars to present and/or listen to lightning round talks.  The ECR Group is especially interested in short five-minute talks that feature innovative solutions and application areas that employ advanced computation, data science methodologies, GIS, simulation and statistical modeling, data visualization, and data analysis of large data sets and databases. We are receptive to a wide range of approaches, including empirical research, formal theoretical modeling and experimental or observational studies.

We welcome abstracts from early career researchers, including junior faculty, postdocs and graduate students from all disciplines and departments. Feedback on the abstracts will be provided by members of the IDRE Executive Committee. Depending on the number of abstracts received, each will be featured at the Research Technology Lightning Talks and Showcase on October 27th from 11:45 AM to 2:00 PM in the IDRE portal. Cash prizes will be awarded for the top three presentations.

Submissions Guidelines:

Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words. Keeping in mind that the audience will come from a broad area of disciplines, please attempt to include the following:

·         Short statement of the problem or phenomenon and its importance to the field of study.

·         Short description of the rationale, approach or methodology with any preliminary results. If relevant, briefly mention how interacting with experts in complementary fields may benefit your research and lead to future discussions and/or collaborations.

 Submissions Information: Deadline – October 7, 2016

Please send submissions by email to Tajendra Singh ( with “ECR Research Technology Proposal” in the subject line.