We will give a general introduction to PyTorch, a popular deep learning framework, with practical illustrations on the primary usage of tensors and automatic differentiation, and on solving a simple…
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Big Data on HPC
This workshop will go over using Big Data techniques on HPC resources. Big Data methods are used when data size because so large, it becomes challenging to compute. Also, when…
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High Performance Machine Learning Using Scikit-Learn
As machine learning gains more and more popularity in science and technology in recent years, scikit-learn becomes one of the must-have libraries in the general machine learning toolbox. In this…
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Learning Scikit-Learn
As machine learning gains more and more popularity in science and technology in recent years, scikit-learn becomes one of the must-have libraries in the general machine learning toolbox. In this…
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Using Anaconda on Hoffman2
Anaconda (https://www.anaconda.com/) is a distribution of R and Python that can be used to easily install many popular data science, biostats, and other packages. This Hoffman2 Happy Hour will go…
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Boosting Python for High Performance Data Analytics (2) DataFrame Game
While Python becomes the most popular programming language since 2019, data scientists often have a few common complaints about its slow speed and the limited capabilities of handling the big…
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Data Visualization with Python II: Making Interactive Plots and Widgets
Python is a very popular language for computational and data science, and it has many powerful capabilities for visualizing data. Data visualization plays an essential role in representing data so…
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Boosting Python for High Performance Data Analytics (1) Interpreter War
While Python becomes the most popular programming language since 2019, data scientists often have a few common complaints about its slow speed and the limited capabilities of handling the big…
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Using Container on HPC resources
This workshop will go over how to use container on HPC resources. Containers are a great way to run scientific software on various HPC platforms. Users can create a ‘virtual’…
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Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster, Part II
Registration link: https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvd-igpjMiGNVkod90GFNhBTuT7pwRfj5- The Hoffman2 Cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This workshop is part of a three-seminar series designed to introduce users to the…
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