1. I’m loading a .dae file from 3D Warehouse, and it seems to load, but I don’t see the model (@#$@!!@#) The model is probably beyond the far clip plane. Click Settings -> Navigation Settings and change the Far Clip from 5000 to 50000. If the model was built in inches or centimeters, you’ll probably also want to change the Eye Height from 1.5 to something higher (20?) and the Flight Accel. Factor from 6 to something higher (160?)
2. I am using the Mac version and want to load a .dae file … what do I do? Sorry that the .dae loader only works on the Windows side. Easiest work around is to install the Windows version of VSim on your dual-boot system or on a different computer, open your .dae file in that, export the model as a .vsim file, and then open the .vsim file on your Mac. A pain, but it’ll work.
3. My students are building narratives for an assignment. Some of them use PCs, some use Macs … what fonts should I have them use? There are only three fonts that cross the PC/Mac divide: Arial, Georgia, and Verdana. If your students are going to be sharing narratives, they must use those fonts for text to display properly. (Note: There’s a bug in the styles sections of the Mac release. The only ‘safe font’ compatible styles are Heading 1 and Body. Body is currently a safe font (Arial). To change Heading 1 to a safe font, go to ‘Settings -> Fonts and Colors’ and change ‘Label Text’ to a safe font and desired size (yes, this is messed up, but it will change Heading 1; any time you open that ‘Fonts and Colors’ window, make sure ‘Label Text’ is set to the font and size you want for Heading 1) … the other settings (color, etc.) associated with Heading 1 work properly. The Heading 2 and Label do not use ‘safe fonts’ but cannot be changed in the Mac release.)