Data Processing and Visualization using MATLAB


MATLAB, developed by MathWorks, has been used in research and the industry for computations, simulations, data analysis and visualization across multiple disciplines such as physical sciences, engineering, economics, and biomedical fields. This class will discuss and demonstrate how to import data, perform data analysis, trend analysis, and various data/file exchange formats using the MATLAB desktop...
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Learning Convolutional Neural Networks (1)


Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Please Register here in advance for this lecture. This workshope will be an introduction on convolutional neural network. We will start our learning on how to use PyTorch to do image processing for classic Dogs-vs-Cats problem. The knowledge of topics covered in the previous sessions is...
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Learning Convolutional Neural Networks (2)


Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Please Register here in advance for this lecture. This workshope will be the second lecture on the introduction to convolutional neural network. We will continue our learning on how to apply data augmentation and transfer learning techniques to get a better solution for the classic Dogs-vs-Cats...
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