Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Introduction to the Hoffman2 Cluster


Account creation, connecting via terminal, requesting interactive sessions, loading software in a user environment. Any questions about this workshop can be emailed to Raffaella D'Auria at dauria@oarc.ucla.edu. Presented by the Office of Advanced Research Computing. Register here: https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIldemvqjotE93gkZrOw-jowhGR58Q_dtKB

Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Submitting jobs to the Scheduler


Running batch jobs on the Hoffman2 Cluster.  Any questions about this workshop can be emailed to Raffaella D'Auria at dauria@oarc.ucla.edu.  Presented by the Office of Advanced Research Computing. Register here: https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAode-hrjIiG9A6Sqp3y3syR0ejUjfR_dv7

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