Introduction to Survival Analysis in R


Survival analysis models time-to-event outcomes. This workshop introduces usage of the survival package in R for some of the most commonly used survival methods. Topics include data setup, Kaplan-Meier estimates and curves, log-rank tests, fitting the Cox proportional hazards model, assessing the proportional hazards assumption, and modeling time-varying covariates. Experience in both survival analysis and...
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Boosting Python for High Performance Data Analytics (2) DataFrame Game


While Python becomes the most popular programming language since 2019, data scientists often have a few common complaints about its slow speed and the limited capabilities of handling the big data scenarios. In this workshop series, we will present an extensive discussion on how to improve the performance of Python in data science by looking...
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R Graphics: Introduction to ggplot2


This seminar teaches the “grammar” of graphics that underlies the ggplot2 package, allowing the user to build eye-catching, publication-quality graphics layer-by-layer. We cover the basic elements of the grammar of graphics, including aesthetics, geoms, scales, and themes, and we will show you how easy ggplot2 makes it to integrate these elements to make informative and...
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What is Causal Inference and Where is Data Science Going?

    Speaker: Judea Pearl Professor UCLA Computer Science Department University of California Los Angeles Date and Time:May 27, 2022 @12:00 PM (PST) Presentation slides: idre-may2022.pdf Video recording: Abstract: The availability of massive amounts of data coupled with an impressive performance of machine learning algorithms has turned data science into one of the most...
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Graphing Interactions Using the PROCESS Macro in SPSS


This workshop will demonstrate how to include moderation terms (AKA interaction terms) in linear models, how to interpret the coefficients, and how to graph the interaction using the PROCESS macro in SPSS. Examples will include categorical by categorical, categorical by continuous, and continuous by continuous interactions. Any questions about this workshop can be emailed to...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Anaconda on Hoffman2


Anaconda ( is a distribution of R and Python that can be used to easily install many popular data science, biostats, and other packages. This Hoffman2 Happy Hour will go discus using Anaconda on Hoffman2. This can be applied to using Anaconda on various other HPC resources. We will go over creating conda environments and...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: RStudio on Hoffman2


The Hoffman2 Happy Hours Series: Using Rstudio on Hoffman2 is best with a Rstudio Server app. This Happy Hour shows an example of using a Rstudio Server with Singularity/Apptainer. Any questions about this workshop can be emailed to Charles Peterson at  Presented by the Office of Advanced Research Computing (OARC). Register here:

Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Introduction to the Hoffman2 Cluster

Zoom & OARC Portal MS 5628

The Hoffman2 Happy Hours are designed to showcase one cluster related topic in a short presentation (no more than 20 minutes and generally much less) or lightning talk format, to be followed by 30 to 40 minutes of discussion and user support (office hour style). Each Hoffman2 Happy Hour meeting is 50 minutes long. Bring...
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Introduction to the Linux Shell Part 1: Using the Command Line


The most widely used way to interact with computers is through a graphical user interface, for example, the desktop interface of Microsoft Windows or Mac OS. However, you can also use a text interface to interact with your computer (or with a computing system like Hoffman2). This can variously be referred to as the command...
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Cloud Computing Workshops. Part 1: Introduction


Cloud computing service is the delivery of computing resources including applications, servers, storage, databases, networking, analytics, and artificial intelligence over the internet. Besides understanding of cloud computing, these workshops are intended to provide hands-on tutorials to see how cloud service providers may offer academic researchers an option to use additional computing resources. Working on two...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Getting an account, becoming a sponsor

Zoom & OARC Portal MS 5628

The Hoffman2 Happy Hours are designed to showcase one cluster related topic in a short presentation (no more than 20 minutes and generally much less) or lightning talk format, to be followed by 30 to 40 minutes of discussion and user support (office hour style). Each Hoffman2 Happy Hour meeting is 50 minutes long. Bring...
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Introduction to the Linux Shell Part 2: Shell Scripting


Shell scripts enable users to link together multiple Linux commands into a single executable program. They can save users from a lot of wasted time, effort, and headache. For example, many researchers execute many different steps and run several different programs during their process of transforming raw data into analyzable results and ultimately into polished...
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Cloud Computing Workshops. Part 2: AWS Elastic Compute Cloud


Cloud computing service is the delivery of computing resources including applications, servers, storage, databases, networking, analytics, and artificial intelligence over the internet. This workshop series will provide hands-on tutorials to demonstrate cloud services as an alternative computing resource for academic researchers. We will cover two leading cloud services, Amazon Web Service (AWS) and Google Cloud...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Connecting to the Hoffman2 Cluster from Windows

Zoom & OARC Portal MS 5628

The Hoffman2 Happy Hours are designed to showcase one cluster related topic in a short presentation (no more than 20 minutes and generally much less) or lightning talk format, to be followed by 30 to 40 minutes of discussion and user support (office hour style). Each Hoffman2 Happy Hour meeting is 50 minutes long. Bring...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Connecting to the Hoffman2 Cluster from MacOS or Linux

Zoom & OARC Portal MS 5628

The Hoffman2 Happy Hours are designed to showcase one cluster related topic in a short presentation (no more than 20 minutes and generally much less) or lightning talk format, to be followed by 30 to 40 minutes of discussion and user support (office hour style). Each Hoffman2 Happy Hour meeting is 50 minutes long. Bring...
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Using Jupyter From Anywhere For Free


This workshop is an overview of how to acquire and run Jupyter Notebook services for free from anywhere. In another word, you will learn how a web browser is all you need for getting free Jupyter resources. Any questions about this workshop can be emailed to Qiyang Hu at Presented by the Office of...
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Getting Started with Digital Film in Research: Managing, Editing and Best Practices


Whether it is interviews, documentary coverage, or contextual footage, video has become a common practice within research. This course is designed to help scholars manage and make use of their research video footage. The workshop will discuss various best practices regarding file management, editing platforms, and techniques for putting footage together to meet your research...
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Big Data on HPC


This workshop will go over using Big Data techniques on HPC resources. Big Data methods are used when data size because so large, it becomes challenging to compute. Also, when machine learning models become so complex, it can also be challenging to train. In this workshop, we will go over examples of solving Big Data...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Connecting to the Hoffman2 Cluster via Remote Desktop

Zoom & OARC Portal MS 5628

The Hoffman2 Happy Hours are designed to showcase one cluster related topic in a short presentation (no more than 20 minutes and generally much less) or lightning talk format, to be followed by 30 to 40 minutes of discussion and user support (office hour style). Each Hoffman2 Happy Hour meeting is 50 minutes long. Bring...
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Introduction to Neural Networks


This workshop is a descriptive "no-math" and "no-python" introduction to what deep learning is and how to train a deep neural network. Our discussion will be arranged along with a general procedure for working on a deep learning project. Basic knowledge of calculus and linear algebra will be helpful in understanding the details. Any questions...
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Introduction to R


This workshop introduces the functionality of R, with a focus on data analysis. Topics include: using RStudio, R coding basics, importing and cleaning data, simple data analysis functions, and brief introductions to R graphics (base and ggplot2) and RMarkdown. This workshop is interactive with coding exercises throughout. Any questions about this workshop can be emailed...
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Learning PyTorch


We will give a general introduction to PyTorch, a popular deep learning framework, with practical illustrations on the primary usage of tensors and automatic differentiation, and on solving a simple temperature-conversion problem using PyTorch. The knowledge of topics covered in the previous session about machine/deep learning is assumed. Working experience with Python and Jupyter Notebooks...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Jupyter Notebooks & JupyterLab

Zoom & OARC Portal MS 5628

The Hoffman2 Happy Hours are designed to showcase one cluster related topic in a short presentation (no more than 20 minutes and generally much less) or lightning talk format, to be followed by 30 to 40 minutes of discussion and user support (office hour style). Each Hoffman2 Happy Hour meeting is 50 minutes long. Bring...
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Parallel Parallel Computing 1: Running MPI programs


MPI (Message Passing Interface) is a standardized interface for writing portable distributed-memory parallel scientific code. The portability of MPI ensures the same MPI program works the same way on different platforms, ranging from laptop computers to massively parallel supercomputers. MPI has been widely used in advanced simulations, data analysis and visualization in the last three...
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Deep Learning, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly


In this workshop, we will talk about deep learning and neural network from a different perspective. After a very brief introduction to what machine learning and deep learning are, our discussion will be focused on what deep learning technology can (and cannot) bring to academic research, including both the benefits and the challenges. No specific...
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ACCESS HPC Workshop: GPU Programming Using OpenACC

Location:  IDRE Portal, 5628 Math Science Building, 520 Portola Plaza Local Contact:   UCLA-IDRE along with ACCESS and Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center is pleased to announce an OpenACC GPU Programming workshop on November 7, 2022, 8 AM-2 PM PDT. OpenACC is the accepted standard using compiler directives to allow quick development of GPU capable codes...
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Introduction to Mplus


Mplus is a powerful statistical package used for the analysis of latent variables. Among the kinds of analysis it can perform are exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, latent class analysis, latent growth curve modeling, structural equation modeling and multilevel modeling. The program can handle a combination of categorical and continuous variables and often permits...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Scripting and the unix command line

Zoom & OARC Portal MS 5628

The Hoffman2 Happy Hours are designed to showcase one cluster related topic in a short presentation (no more than 20 minutes and generally much less) or lightning talk format, to be followed by 30 to 40 minutes of discussion and user support (office hour style). Each Hoffman2 Happy Hour meeting is 50 minutes long. Bring...
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Parallel Parallel Computing 2: MPI Programming


MPI (Message Passing Interface) is a standardized interface for writing portable distributed-memory parallel scientific code. The portability of MPI ensures the same MPI program works the same way on different platforms, ranging from laptop computers to massively parallel supercomputers. MPI has been widely used in advanced simulations, data analysis and visualization in the last three...
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Introduction to Regression in R


This seminar will introduce some fundamental topics in regression analysis using R in three parts. The first part will begin with a brief overview of the R environment, and then simple and multiple regression using R. The second part will introduce regression diagnostics such as checking for normality of residuals, unusual and influential data, homoscedasticity...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Transferring data to and from the Hoffman2 Cluster

Zoom & OARC Portal MS 5628

The Hoffman2 Happy Hours are designed to showcase one cluster related topic in a short presentation (no more than 20 minutes and generally much less) or lightning talk format, to be followed by 30 to 40 minutes of discussion and user support (office hour style). Each Hoffman2 Happy Hour meeting is 50 minutes long. Bring...
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Parallel Parallel Computing 3: Introduction to PETSc


MPI (Message Passing Interface) is a standardized interface for writing portable distributed-memory parallel scientific code. The portability of MPI ensures the same MPI program works the same way on different platforms, ranging from laptop computers to massively parallel supercomputers. MPI has been widely used in advanced simulations, data analysis and visualization in the last three...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Running/submitting jobs on the Hoffman2 Cluster

Zoom & OARC Portal MS 5628

The Hoffman2 Happy Hours are designed to showcase one cluster related topic in a short presentation (no more than 20 minutes and generally much less) or lightning talk format, to be followed by 30 to 40 minutes of discussion and user support (office hour style). Each Hoffman2 Happy Hour meeting is 50 minutes long. Bring...
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Parallel Parallel Computing 4: Solving Partial Differential Equations on Parallel Computers


MPI (Message Passing Interface) is a standardized interface for writing portable distributed-memory parallel scientific code. The portability of MPI ensures the same MPI program works the same way on different platforms, ranging from laptop computers to massively parallel supercomputers. MPI has been widely used in advanced simulations, data analysis and visualization in the last three...
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Interviewing Methods Workshop 


Learn research methods for interviewing subjects including question design, how to do an interview, and project management at this free virtual workshop for undergraduates. Join meeting here:

Navigating Faculty Mentorships Workshop


Learn how to navigate faculty mentorships while working on your research or creative project. Join meeting here:

Cornerstone 1: Getting Started with Research Workshop

Hybrid: Charles E. Young Research Library Main Conference Room (room 11360 ) and Zoom

Learn how to get started with research and creative inquiry at UCLA including how to find opportunities, earn course credit for doing research or creative practice, and how to find a faculty mentor! This workshop is free and open to all undergraduates. This workshop is offered as part of the Cornerstone Research Workshop series, a...
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Getting Started with Registered Reports

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

 Click here for RSVP (snacks will be provided) Registered reports are a new publication mechanism where researchers submit a research proposal to a journal that is peer-reviewed, and upon acceptance, the journal agrees to publish the results of the study regardless of the outcome. Registered reports help address key issues which have resulted in replication...
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Research and Time Management Workshop


Learn strategies, tips, and tools for managing your research or creative project to stay on track and maintain balance in your life! Join meeting here:

Cornerstone 1: Getting Started With Research Workshop


Learn how to get started with research and creative inquiry at UCLA including how to find opportunities, earn course credit for doing research or creative practice, and how to find a faculty mentor! This workshop is free and open to all undergraduates. This workshop is offered as part of the Cornerstone Research Workshop series, a...
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Cloud Computing Workshops. Part 3: AWS cloud storage and practices


Cloud computing service is the delivery of computing resources including applications, servers, storage, databases, networking, analytics, and artificial intelligence over the internet. Besides understanding of cloud computing, these workshops are intended to provide hands-on tutorials to see how cloud service providers may offer academic researchers an option to use additional computing resources. Working on two...
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Teaching and Research w/ Digital Collections (Part 1): Navigating A World of High-Quality Primary Source Materials

IDRE Portal and Zoom

Scholarship of visual materials often requires close looking and comparison across works. Digitization programs at “GLAM” institutions (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums) around the world, including the UCLA Library, have resulted in extraordinary collections of digital facsimiles of rare and unique primary source books, documents, artifacts, and ephemera, available online. For scholarship and curricular research...
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Cornerstone 2: Developing a Research Question Workshop

Hybrid: Charles E. Young Research Library Main Conference Room (room 11360 ) and Zoom

Learn how to turn your interests into a research question! Turn your general ideas for a topic into a set of research questions, and then get started generating effective keywords for your search in this online module! This module is offered as part of the Cornerstone Research Workshops, a six-part series covering foundational research topics...
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Introduction to QGIS and Digital Gazetteers


This introductory workshop will introduce participants to basic desktop GIS functionality in QGIS and digital gazetteers which underpin the majority of digital mapping research. Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to take an arbitrary list of places, associate that list with a digital gazetteer, and create a map in QGIS suitable for...
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Summer Opportunities Info Session


Learn all about research and creative opportunities during Summer Session, including SRP 99 courses, Research Revealed, and the Summer Research Incubator, as well as how to apply! Join meeting here:

Cloud Computing Workshops. Part 4: GCP Compute Engine


Cloud computing service is the delivery of computing resources including applications, servers, storage, databases, networking, analytics, and artificial intelligence over the internet. Besides understanding of cloud computing, these workshops are intended to provide hands-on tutorials to see how cloud service providers may offer academic researchers an option to use additional computing resources. Working on two...
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Teaching & Research w/ Digital Collections (Part 2): Tools and Practices for Engaging Digital Collections Content

IDRE Portal and Zoom

The active engagement of digital primary source collections content can, and often does, go beyond viewing materials on collections websites. For sustained inquiry, a wide variety of tools and platforms have been developed that support in-depth scholarly analysis of high quality, reliably-hosted image-based digital content and enable the creation of public-facing scholarly work products. This...
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