Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster: Case Studies

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

RSVP FOR EVENT This class will address the process of creating Matlab standalone executables and running Matlab in batch, as well as running Abaqus python scripts. Example of how to submit array jobs using Abaqus, R and other applications. Can my simulations be submitted as array jobs? Bring your own problem. Also, Jupyter Notebooks: another...
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Python for High Performance Computing

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

RSVP FOR EVENT Python, originally developed as a general-purpose programming language, has gained its popularity in the scientific community in recent years owing to its elegant and easy-to-understand syntax and powerful libraries. Python fully supports both functional and object-oriented programming styles. This class will discuss a number useful features of Python in the context of...
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IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

UCLA-IDRE along with XSEDE and Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center is pleased to announce a two day Big Data workshop (Dec 4-5, 2018, 8 AM-2 PM PDT each day). This workshop will focus on topics such as Hadoop and Spark and will be presented using the Wide Area Classroom (WAC) training platform. For registration and detailed information,...
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Using Jupyter with Hoffman2 and HPC Systems

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This short class will illustrate several powerful tools and features that can enhance one’s experience with Jupyter notebooks. The interactive demonstrations will include a brief overview of plotting tools and magics, followed by demonstrations of how to make interactive widgets for interactive visualizations and dashboards and how to generate analysis pipelines and reports. Basic familiarity...
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Petascale Computing Institute

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

UCLA-IDRE, in partnership with Blue Waters, is pleased to virtually host 2019 Petascale Computing Institute at UCLA: When: August 19-23, 2019 (8 AM-3 PM PDT each day) Where: 5628 Math Sciences Bldg. Contact: T.V. Singh The goal of the institute is to enable computational and data-enabled discovery in all fields of study by teaching the...
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Advanced Computing and Data Analytics using Comet

IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

UCLA-IDRE and San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) are happy to announce the workshop “Advanced Computing and Data Analytics using Comet” as per the following details: Venue: 5628 Math Sciences Bldg. RSVP: Link to the registration form (*lunch is provided) Requirements: Bring your laptop for hands-on exercises. Questions: Contact T.V.Singh Link to the presentation slides:
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Essential Command Line Tools in HPC Environments


On macOS, Linux, or Windows with Cygwin, or other POSIX-compliant environments,​ a number of versatile, time-tested command-line open-source tools with text-based user interface (TUI) are available to support performing common tasks that arise in advanced computation or data analysis. Unlike their graphical user interface (GUI) counterparts, which appear to be prevalent in today's computing environments,...
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High-Performance Data Science in Python (1) Interpreter War


This workshop series will present an extensive discussion on how to improve the performance of Python in data science by looking under the hood of its language/libraries and using the technologies to make Python a practical solution for the high-performance big data analytics. In the first session, we will focus on how to boost the speed of python code in an interperter level by explaining the concepts (e.g. GIL, GIT) and introducing the packages of pypy, numba, pythran, cython etc. Although no specific prerequisite is required to attend the talk, having programming experience in Python will be helpful to fully understand the lecture content.

High-Performance Data Science in Python (2) DataFrame Game


This workshop series will present an extensive discussion on how to improve the performance of Python in data science by looking under the hood of its language/libraries and using the technologies to make Python a practical solution for the high-performance big data analytics. In the second session, we will focus on how to load/process the super big dataset in Python using a single machine and comparing the dataframe implementations from Pandas, Modin, Pandarallel, Dask and Vaex etc. Although no specific prerequisite is required to attend the talk, having programming experience in Python's numpy and Pandas packages will be helpful to fully understand the lecture content.

Using Container on HPC resources

This workshop will go over how to use container on HPC resources. Containers are a great way to run scientific software on various HPC platforms. Users can create a ‘virtual’ OS to easily install any application and transfer it to any system with container software. This workshop will cover how to build and use containers...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Using Anaconda on Hoffman2


Anaconda ( is a distribution of R and Python that can be used to easily install many popular data science, biostats, and other packages. This Hoffman2 Happy Hour will go discus using Anaconda on Hoffman2. This can be applied to using Anaconda on various other HPC resources. We will go over creating conda environments and...
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Building Containers for HPC


This workshop is a follow-up to a previous workshop on “Using Containers on HPC Resources” ( This workshop will focus on creating containers to be ran on HPC resources. We will go over building containers using Docker/podman and Apptainer/Singularity. We will also use Hoffman2 to run our newly built containers. To follow along, users will...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Building/Compiling software on Hoffman2


This Hoffman2 Happy Hour will discuss how to build and compile software on Hoffman2. This can also be applied to most HPC resources that researchers may use. While Hoffman2 system admins can compile software when needed, researchers can compile software themselves, so they have more control over how it is built. We will go over...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Anaconda on Hoffman2


Anaconda ( is a distribution of R and Python that can be used to easily install many popular data science, biostats, and other packages. This Hoffman2 Happy Hour will go discus using Anaconda on Hoffman2. This can be applied to using Anaconda on various other HPC resources. We will go over creating conda environments and...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: RStudio on Hoffman2


The Hoffman2 Happy Hours Series: Using Rstudio on Hoffman2 is best with a Rstudio Server app. This Happy Hour shows an example of using a Rstudio Server with Singularity/Apptainer. Any questions about this workshop can be emailed to Charles Peterson at  Presented by the Office of Advanced Research Computing (OARC). Register here:

Big Data on HPC


This workshop will go over using Big Data techniques on HPC resources. Big Data methods are used when data size because so large, it becomes challenging to compute. Also, when machine learning models become so complex, it can also be challenging to train. In this workshop, we will go over examples of solving Big Data...
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Parallel Parallel Computing 1: Running MPI programs


MPI (Message Passing Interface) is a standardized interface for writing portable distributed-memory parallel scientific code. The portability of MPI ensures the same MPI program works the same way on different platforms, ranging from laptop computers to massively parallel supercomputers. MPI has been widely used in advanced simulations, data analysis and visualization in the last three...
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Parallel Parallel Computing 3: Introduction to PETSc


MPI (Message Passing Interface) is a standardized interface for writing portable distributed-memory parallel scientific code. The portability of MPI ensures the same MPI program works the same way on different platforms, ranging from laptop computers to massively parallel supercomputers. MPI has been widely used in advanced simulations, data analysis and visualization in the last three...
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Parallel Parallel Computing 4: Solving Partial Differential Equations on Parallel Computers


MPI (Message Passing Interface) is a standardized interface for writing portable distributed-memory parallel scientific code. The portability of MPI ensures the same MPI program works the same way on different platforms, ranging from laptop computers to massively parallel supercomputers. MPI has been widely used in advanced simulations, data analysis and visualization in the last three...
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Code Profilers: Measuring Performance and Resource Usage


Learn to use code profilers (software) to analyze a program's performance and resource usage, and to use the measurement data to guide tuning methodologies and workflows, in the context of scientific computing. Any questions about this workshop can be emailed to Shao-Ching Huang at  Presented by the Office of Advanced Research Computing (OARC). Register here:...
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Running Ansys Fluids products on Hoffman2 and on Local Devices


Ansys is an engineering software that is used particularly in multiphysics modeling. This is an introductory workshop that will explore various approaches for (1) accessing Ansys products through the Hoffman2 cluster and through tunnelling on local devices, (2) allocating resources to appropriate simulations for optimal efficiency, and (3) troubleshooting common errors frequently encountered for simulations....
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A Tutorial for Ansys Fluids Products with Application to Cross-Platform Programming


Ansys is an engineering software that is employed for a plethora of multiphysics simulations. This is an introductory tutorial workshop for building, configuring, executing, and postprocessing simulation projects and data using Ansys products including CAD software (DesignModeler and SpaceClaim), meshing software (Workbench Meshing, Fluent Meshing) and multiphysics software (Fluent). Additionally, various programming languages (Scheme Lisp,...
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Hoffman2 Happy Hours: Introduction to the Hoffman2 Cluster


This workshop will cover what the Hoffman2 cluster is and what it can do to you. It will address several topics to get you started with the cluster, including:- Accounts - Policies - Connecting to the Hoffman2 Cluster - Connecting via terminal and SSH - Interacting with the Unix CLI - Locating installed software on...
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Containers for HPC workshop


This workshop will go over how to use container on HPC resources. Containers are a great way to run scientific software on various HPC platforms. Users can create a ‘virtual’ OS to easily install any application and transfer it to any system with container software. This workshop will cover how to build and use containers...
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HPC@UCLA: Intro to H2C (Hoffman2 Cluster)


The Hoffman2 Cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. Come and learn what is it and how you can get started using it. Instructor: Raffaella D'Auria Register via Zoom

HPC@UCLA: Intro to H2C (the Hoffman2 Cluster)

OARC Portal 5628 Math Science Building

The Hoffman2 Cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. Come and learn what is it and how you can get started using it. Click here to register 

HPC@UCLA: Working at the UNIX shell & Environmental Modules on H2C (the Hoffman2 Cluster)

OARC Portal 5628 Math Science Building

Knowledge of Linux is key to successfully using most HPC resources, including the Hoffman2 Cluster. This workshop introduces users to basic usage of the command line interface (CLI), basic file manipulation and the filesystem hierarchy. Environmental modules and modification of the user environment will also be introduced. Click here to register

Massively Parallel Computing with GPU

OARC Portal 5628 Math Science Building

This workshop series offers an in-depth exploration of massively parallel programming with Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of parallel computing concepts, the distinctions between CPU and GPU parallelism, and the specific advantages of GPUs for various tasks. The series will also emphasize practical programming skills, covering hands-on aspects of developing...
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HPC@UCLA: Jupyter Notebooks/JupyterLan on H2C (the Hoffman2 Cluster)

OARC Portal 5628 Math Science Building

Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab are a powerful tool for interactive computing and for proof of concept implementations. Come and learn how to open jupyter sessions on your local browser while harnessing the computing power on the Hoffman2 Cluster. Work in a conda/python environment, in R, julia or many other programming languages. Click here to Register

HPC@UCLA: Interactive Computing on H2C (the Hoffman2 Cluster)

OARC Portal 5628 Math Science Building

Learn how to perform interactive computing on the Hoffman2 Cluster. From requesting the computational resources needed for your interactive session to loading and starting TUI and GUI applications. Click here to register

HPC@UCLA: Batch Job Submission on H2C (the Hoffman2 Cluster)

OARC Portal 5628 Math Science Building

Batch computing enables you to execute concurrently or independently a large number of simulations, practically scaling up your ability to conduct research. Come and learn the basics of how to submit jobs, how to request resources and how to take advantage of very many CPU and GPU cores on the Hoffman2 Cluster. Click here to...
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