Institute for Digital Research and Education
UCLA-IDRE, along with ACCESS and Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, is pleased to announce a workshop on the Introduction to Message Passing Interface (MPI).
This workshop will give C and Fortran programmers a hands-on introduction to MPI programming. Both days are compact and packed with helpful information and lab exercises. Attendees will leave with a working knowledge of how to write scalable codes using MPI – the standard programming tool of scalable parallel computing.
This event will be presented using the Wide Area Classroom(WAC) training platform. It is an in-person event hosted by IDRE, one of the satellite sites; there is no direct-to-desktop option.
Registration: Interested applicants must first have an ACCESS ID. If you do not have an ACCESS ID, please visit this page to create one: ACCESS user registration.
Once you have an ACCESS ID, please email (indicating your ACCESS ID and your wish to attend UCLA-IDRE site) to Tom Maiden at by Friday, December 6 at noon Eastern time.
For more information, visit the workshop website: