Epidemic Model Guided Machine Learning for COVID-19 Forecasts


Time:  12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Date: June 05, 2020 Location:  Zoom (you will receive an email after your rsvp) RSVP HERE Link to the presentation's recording and slides Abstract: The novel coronavirus (COVID-19), which causes an acute respiratory disease in humans, has emerged as a global pandemic, and caused an over 250,000 death toll...
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Introduction to Jupyter


The Jupyter Notebook is a computing tool that allows users to edit and run Python, R, Julia (and many other programming languages) inside a web browser. Furthermore, it is a powerful tool that allows users to combine live code, text, and visualizations in an interactive, shareable, reproducible document. It is a popular tool in many...
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Version Control with Git


Git is a software tool that helps users manage changes to their software over time. Git will allow you to maintain a complete change history of every file, create branches for concurrent streams of changes, trace changes with annotations, and collaborate and share work with others. This interactive introduction will demonstrate how to use Git...
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Introduction to GIS/Spatial Research with Python


Register in advance: Please REGISTER using the Zoom Meeting Link before joining!   There are no pre-requisites to take this workshops, but it is recommended that you take the following two workshops: Introduction to Jupyter Version control with git As members of an academic community with a myriad of research initiatives, the need to map...
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Introduction to SQL


SQL is a standard language designed to query and extract data from tables stored in a database.  In this short class, you will learn how to store, query, and manipulate data with SQL, and you will gain exposure to the fundamentals of SQL and relational database management systems. Register in advance:  Please REGISTER using the...
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Multiple Imputation in Stata


The purpose of this workshop is to discuss commonly used techniques for handling missing data and common issues that could arise when these techniques are used. In particular, we will focus on the one of the most popular methods, multiple imputation and how to perform it in Stata. The Stata code for this seminar is...
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Introduction to GIS for the Social Sciences


QGIS workshop for processing and visualizing demographic census data, commonly used in the social sciences.   If you have any further questions regarding the workshop, please contact instructor Albert Kochaphum.


Deep Learning in Medicine


Recent years have witnessed a dramatic resurgence of interest in applying deep learning in various research and application areas. In this 2 hour session, we will present a broad and high-level overview on what deep-learning technologies can do for the domains of medicine and healthcare. Our discussion will focus on the three major application fields:...
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Introduction to Three Dimensional Graphing and WebVR


We are increasingly sharing our data and research in virtual environments. WebVR (or WebXR as it’s now known) is an open standard that allows 3D / virtual reality (VR) experiences to be produced through your browser. It also aims to make your immersive data platform-agnostic, so it will be portable to whatever device you have....
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Essential Command Line Tools in HPC Environments


On macOS, Linux, or Windows with Cygwin, or other POSIX-compliant environments,​ a number of versatile, time-tested command-line open-source tools with text-based user interface (TUI) are available to support performing common tasks that arise in advanced computation or data analysis. Unlike their graphical user interface (GUI) counterparts, which appear to be prevalent in today's computing environments,...
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Introduction to Survey Data Analysis in R


This workshop will show how descriptive analyses, both numerical and graphical, can be done with continuous and categorical variables. Subpopulation analysis will be discussed, and then examples of OLS regression and logistic regression will be considered. Attendance is restricted to researchers from the University of California.  The information for the Zoom meeting will be sent...
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Introduction to Data Science with Python Part 1


The term "data science" has become a ubiquitous and all-encompassing term to address any field that utilizes data analytics in one form or another. Despite having such a broad mandate, certain elements remain consistent in the approach to data science that are interdisciplinary: data acquisition, data exploration, data modeling, and data communication. In this two-part...
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Introduction to Data Science with Python Part 2


The term "data science" has become a ubiquitous and all-encompassing term to address any field that utilizes data analytics in one form or another. Despite having such a broad mandate, certain elements remain consistent in the approach to data science that are interdisciplinary: data acquisition, data exploration, data modeling, and data communication. In this two-part...
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Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster – Case Studies


The Hoffman2 Cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This workshop is designed to: 1) introduce users to the Hoffman2 Cluster environment and clarify the process of porting applications or using applications already available on the cluster; 2) demonstrate how to submit batch jobs, run interactive applications and monitor resource utilization;...
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Managing Python and R Packages Using Conda on Hoffman2 Cluster


Anaconda is a popular, free, and open-source distribution of Python and R packages for scientific computing and data analysis. Many users prefer using Anaconda on the personal computer instead of manually installing individual packages not only for convenience but also for taking advantage of Anaconda's ability to resolve version conflicts and package dependencies. On the...
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Rebel Mapping: Critical Cartography


Learn how to break the rules of mapmaking! This workshop’s main lecture introduces disruptive mapping practices from critical cartography and indigenous critical theory and applies them to crafting a story on Esri StoryMaps platform. The technical tools include learning how to set up an Esri Public Account, incorporating media and external digital content, and highlighting...
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Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (1) Introduction


This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected to get benefits from related discussions as well. In the first session of the series, we will give a broad introduction about deep learning and neural network. No specific prerequisite is required.

Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster: Introduction


The Hoffman2 cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This workshop is part of a three-seminar series designed to introduce users to the Hoffman2 cluster environment and to clarify the process of porting applications or using applications already available on the cluster. It also addresses how to port your workflow to...
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Introduction to SAS


Please RVSP here.  Workshop will be conducted in Zoom. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop. SAS is a powerful statistical package that runs on many platforms, including Windows and Unix. This class is designed for people who are just getting started using SAS. The students in the class will have a hands-on...
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Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (2) Mechanics of Learning


This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected to get benefits from related discussions as well. In the second session of the series, we will look into the procedures of working on a general deep learning project, especially on how to train a deep neural network...

Introduction to Data Visualization


Please RVSP here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop. There are many ways to communicate the results of research. Visually representing data provides a valuable perspective within an academic argument. Data visualizations provide an overview or snapshot of a dataset, draw attention to...
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Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (3) Knowing PyTorch


This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected to get benefits from related discussions as well. In the third session of the series, we will introduce PyTorch deep learning framework, illustrate the basic usage of tensors and automatic differentiation, and solve a simple temperature-conversion problem using PyTorch...

Introduction to SPSS


Please RVSP here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop. SPSS is a very easy-to-use statistical package that runs on Windows, Macintosh and UNIX platforms. This class is designed for people who are just starting to use SPSS. The students in the class will...
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Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (4) Convolutional Neural Networks


This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected to get benefits from related discussions as well. In the fourth session of the series, we will introduce convolutional neural network and learn how to use PyTorch to do image processing for classic Dogs-vs-Cats problem...

4th Annual Humanitarian Mapathon with USC and UCLA


REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN, RSVP HERE!  Wednesday October 28th, 10am (PDT): Welcome message and humanitarian map training Thursday October 29th: Continue mapping and a day of workshops9am Open Street Map with Python 11am Open Data and Tableau 1pm GIS with R 3pm Introduction to QGIS Friday October 30th, 10am (PDT): Wrap-up and closing Keynote with...
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Introduction to GIS with Open Street Map and Python


Please RVSP here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop. This workshop is part one of a four-part workshop series in the 4th Annual UCLA/USC Humanitarian Mapathon. You will learn how to use Python within Jupyter Notebooks to find Open Street Map data for...
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Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (5) Improving CNNs Performance


This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected to get benefits from related discussions as well. In the fifth session of the series, we will introduce data augmentation and transfer learning techniques to get a better solution for deep learning projects with PyTorch...

Introduction to R


Please RVSP here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop. R is a powerful statistical package that runs on many platforms, including Windows, Macintosh and Unix. This class is designed for people who are just getting started using R. The students in the class...
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Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (6) Generative Adversarial Networks


This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected to get benefits from related discussions as well. In the sixth session of the series, we will introduce Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and illustrate the fundamental GAN techniques on how to use DCGANs to generate dog images with PyTorch...

Julia Language for Advanced Computations: Perspectives and Outlook


We will explore the features of the Julia programming language in the context of research computing, and compare it with other scripting languages such as Python and MATLAB. We will also discuss Julia language's ecosystem, including its standard library, documentation system, unit test, package management and more, from the standpoints of reproducible computational science and modern software engineering.

Introduction to Stata


Please RVSP here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop. Stata is a powerful and yet easy-to-use statistical package that runs on Windows, Macintosh and Unix platforms. This class is designed for people who are just getting started using Stata. The students in the...
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Advanced Graphics with Matlab


This class will demonstrate how to use MATLAB to create data visualization and animation for publications or presentations. We will discuss many plotting functions and techniques available in MATLAB and learn how to use these commands to handle and customize your graphics in practice. The materials include simple 2D/3D plots to present scalers and vectors, filled plots to handle continuously spatial data, geographic plots to deal with geographic information, animation to show variation in temporal data. Matplotlib used in Python will be also introduced so one can easily apply these plotting techniques in Python.

Markdown for Technical Writing


We will discuss using Markdown (a light-weight markup language with plain-text formatting syntax) for technical writing, including the support of LaTeX-style mathematics typesetting and bibliography. The approach can be applied to writing dissertation, research manuscripts, presentation slides, and web pages from the same set of source files. A number of documentation-building tools around the Markdown format will be introduced. We will also discuss using GitHub and Travis CI for version control and automatic building of documents and web pages.

Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster: Case Studies II


The Hoffman2 cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This workshop is part of a three-seminar series designed to introduce users to the Hoffman2 cluster environment and to clarify the process of porting applications or using applications already available on the cluster. It also addresses how to port your workflow to...
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Register now for the first UC GIS Week conference from Nov. 17th - 19th!  The UC GIS Week committee is proud to announce the first UC-wide GIS Week. Join us for a 3-day virtual conference which celebrates the GIS work of the University of California faculty, staff, students, and alumni. The University of California system...
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Jupyter Advanced Topics


This short class will illustrate several powerful tools and features that can enhance one’s experience with Jupyter notebooks. The interactive demonstrations will include a brief overview of plotting tools and magics, followed by demonstrations of how to make interactive widgets for interactive visualizations and dashboards and how to generate analysis pipelines and reports. Basic familiarity...
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Beginning Programming for Creatives


Please RVSP here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop. The digital realm is becoming an increasingly popular space for creatives. By creatives, I don't just mean artists, but anyone who wants to harness their creativity, skill, and imagination to produce something with a...
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Make and Makefiles


Description coming soon. Register in advance:  Please REGISTER using the Zoom Meeting Link before joining! If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Ben Winjum.

Numerical Computing with Python: Python Basics


Python is a general-purpose programming language that is easy to learn and widely used.  It is one of the primary programming languages for data science, and when combined with its modules such as NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas, it can be a very powerful tool for numerical computing. The first part of this hands-on series...
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Numerical Computing with Python: Intro to Numpy, Scipy, and Pandas


Python is a general-purpose programming language that is easy to learn and widely used.  It is one of the primary programming languages for data science, and when combined with its modules such as NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas, it can be a very powerful tool for numerical computing. The second part of this hands-on series...
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Numerical Computing with Python: Numerical Modeling


Python is a general-purpose programming language that is easy to learn and widely used.  It is one of the primary programming languages for data science, and when combined with its modules such as NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas, it can be a very powerful tool for numerical computing. The third part of this hands-on series...
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Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster: Introduction (Part I)


To register please follow the Zoom link: https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcvcemurj0oHNwvsIvaqVDp2Uyqntnv2kpq The Hoffman2 cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This workshop is part of a three-seminar series designed to introduce users to the Hoffman2 cluster environment and to clarify the process of porting applications or using applications already available on the cluster. It...
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Zoomed Out? Creating Alternative VR Environments with Mozilla Hubs


Please REGISTER in advance here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop.   While we are working remotely, there are many ways that we can share virtual space. Mozilla Hubs is a Web-based platform that provides users with three dimensional virtual space that can...
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Introduction to GIS for the Social Sciences with QGIS


Please REGISTER in advance here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop.   Description Coming Soon   If you have any further questions regarding the workshop, please contact the instructor Albert Kochaphum.


Census Data Analysis and Mapping with Python


Please REGISTER in advance here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop. In this hands on workshop, you will be provided with a Jupyter Notebook workspace to import census data, explore, clean, and prepare the data for analysis using python. You will also learn...
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Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster: Case Studies (Part II)


To register please follow the Zoom link: https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvdemopjkrGNJmY3LY6Ktr-mTUl6T8D8XS The Hoffman2 cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This workshop is part of a three-seminar series designed to introduce users to the Hoffman2 cluster environment and to clarify the process of porting applications or using applications already available on the cluster. It...
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R Markdown Basics


Please REGISTER in advance here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop.   R Markdown files integrate text, Markdown, and R code into dynamic documents that weave together plain text, formatted text, and the output of the R code.  The resulting dynamic reports can...
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Using Anaconda to manage packages on Hoffman2 Cluster


Anaconda is a popular, free and open-source distribution of many packages for scientific computing and data analysis. It is easy to use Anaconda to install and manage packages because of its ability to resolve version conflicts and package dependencies. On the Hoffman2 cluster, however, the environment is structurally different from that of a personal computer;...
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