Introduction to GIS with Open Street Map and Python


Please RVSP here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop. This workshop is part one of a four-part workshop series in the 4th Annual UCLA/USC Humanitarian Mapathon. You will learn how to use Python within Jupyter Notebooks to find Open Street Map data for...
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Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (5) Improving CNNs Performance


This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected to get benefits from related discussions as well. In the fifth session of the series, we will introduce data augmentation and transfer learning techniques to get a better solution for deep learning projects with PyTorch...

Introduction to R


Please RVSP here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop. R is a powerful statistical package that runs on many platforms, including Windows, Macintosh and Unix. This class is designed for people who are just getting started using R. The students in the class...
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Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (6) Generative Adversarial Networks


This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected to get benefits from related discussions as well. In the sixth session of the series, we will introduce Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and illustrate the fundamental GAN techniques on how to use DCGANs to generate dog images with PyTorch...

Julia Language for Advanced Computations: Perspectives and Outlook


We will explore the features of the Julia programming language in the context of research computing, and compare it with other scripting languages such as Python and MATLAB. We will also discuss Julia language's ecosystem, including its standard library, documentation system, unit test, package management and more, from the standpoints of reproducible computational science and modern software engineering.

Introduction to Stata


Please RVSP here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop. Stata is a powerful and yet easy-to-use statistical package that runs on Windows, Macintosh and Unix platforms. This class is designed for people who are just getting started using Stata. The students in the...
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Advanced Graphics with Matlab


This class will demonstrate how to use MATLAB to create data visualization and animation for publications or presentations. We will discuss many plotting functions and techniques available in MATLAB and learn how to use these commands to handle and customize your graphics in practice. The materials include simple 2D/3D plots to present scalers and vectors, filled plots to handle continuously spatial data, geographic plots to deal with geographic information, animation to show variation in temporal data. Matplotlib used in Python will be also introduced so one can easily apply these plotting techniques in Python.

Markdown for Technical Writing


We will discuss using Markdown (a light-weight markup language with plain-text formatting syntax) for technical writing, including the support of LaTeX-style mathematics typesetting and bibliography. The approach can be applied to writing dissertation, research manuscripts, presentation slides, and web pages from the same set of source files. A number of documentation-building tools around the Markdown format will be introduced. We will also discuss using GitHub and Travis CI for version control and automatic building of documents and web pages.

Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster: Case Studies II


The Hoffman2 cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This workshop is part of a three-seminar series designed to introduce users to the Hoffman2 cluster environment and to clarify the process of porting applications or using applications already available on the cluster. It also addresses how to port your workflow to...
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Register now for the first UC GIS Week conference from Nov. 17th - 19th!  The UC GIS Week committee is proud to announce the first UC-wide GIS Week. Join us for a 3-day virtual conference which celebrates the GIS work of the University of California faculty, staff, students, and alumni. The University of California system...
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Jupyter Advanced Topics


This short class will illustrate several powerful tools and features that can enhance one’s experience with Jupyter notebooks. The interactive demonstrations will include a brief overview of plotting tools and magics, followed by demonstrations of how to make interactive widgets for interactive visualizations and dashboards and how to generate analysis pipelines and reports. Basic familiarity...
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Beginning Programming for Creatives


Please RVSP here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop. The digital realm is becoming an increasingly popular space for creatives. By creatives, I don't just mean artists, but anyone who wants to harness their creativity, skill, and imagination to produce something with a...
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Make and Makefiles


Description coming soon. Register in advance:  Please REGISTER using the Zoom Meeting Link before joining! If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Ben Winjum.

Numerical Computing with Python: Python Basics


Python is a general-purpose programming language that is easy to learn and widely used.  It is one of the primary programming languages for data science, and when combined with its modules such as NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas, it can be a very powerful tool for numerical computing. The first part of this hands-on series...
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Numerical Computing with Python: Intro to Numpy, Scipy, and Pandas


Python is a general-purpose programming language that is easy to learn and widely used.  It is one of the primary programming languages for data science, and when combined with its modules such as NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas, it can be a very powerful tool for numerical computing. The second part of this hands-on series...
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Numerical Computing with Python: Numerical Modeling


Python is a general-purpose programming language that is easy to learn and widely used.  It is one of the primary programming languages for data science, and when combined with its modules such as NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas, it can be a very powerful tool for numerical computing. The third part of this hands-on series...
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Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster: Introduction (Part I)


To register please follow the Zoom link: The Hoffman2 cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This workshop is part of a three-seminar series designed to introduce users to the Hoffman2 cluster environment and to clarify the process of porting applications or using applications already available on the cluster. It...
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Zoomed Out? Creating Alternative VR Environments with Mozilla Hubs


Please REGISTER in advance here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop.   While we are working remotely, there are many ways that we can share virtual space. Mozilla Hubs is a Web-based platform that provides users with three dimensional virtual space that can...
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Introduction to GIS for the Social Sciences with QGIS


Please REGISTER in advance here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop.   Description Coming Soon   If you have any further questions regarding the workshop, please contact the instructor Albert Kochaphum.


Census Data Analysis and Mapping with Python


Please REGISTER in advance here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop. In this hands on workshop, you will be provided with a Jupyter Notebook workspace to import census data, explore, clean, and prepare the data for analysis using python. You will also learn...
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Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster: Case Studies (Part II)


To register please follow the Zoom link: The Hoffman2 cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This workshop is part of a three-seminar series designed to introduce users to the Hoffman2 cluster environment and to clarify the process of porting applications or using applications already available on the cluster. It...
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R Markdown Basics


Please REGISTER in advance here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop.   R Markdown files integrate text, Markdown, and R code into dynamic documents that weave together plain text, formatted text, and the output of the R code.  The resulting dynamic reports can...
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Using Anaconda to manage packages on Hoffman2 Cluster


Anaconda is a popular, free and open-source distribution of many packages for scientific computing and data analysis. It is easy to use Anaconda to install and manage packages because of its ability to resolve version conflicts and package dependencies. On the Hoffman2 cluster, however, the environment is structurally different from that of a personal computer;...
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Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster: Case Studies (Part III)


To register please follow the Zoom link: The Hoffman2 cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This workshop is part of a three-seminar series designed to introduce users to the Hoffman2 cluster environment and to clarify the process of porting applications or using applications already available on the cluster. It...
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Retiring Statistical Significance: Interpreting and Reporting P – Values and Confidence Intervals Without Significance Testing


Please REGISTER in advance here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop.   The misuse of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) and p-value thresholds, together with selective reporting of statistically significant results, have produced an inundation of overstated conclusions and unreplicable results in scientific...
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Numerical Computing using Julia


This workshop will illustrate using the Julia language in data-driven modeling and computations. More detailed description will be posted here soon.

Learning Scikit-Learn


As machine learning gains more and more popularity in science and technology in recent years, scikit-learn becomes one of the must-have libraries in the general machine learning toolbox. In this lecture we will present an in-depth introduction to scikit-learn python library. Prerequisite knowledge for the workshop includes Python programming and basic machine learning concepts.

Parallel Computing using MPI and Julia


This workshop will discuss the basics of MPI (message passing interface), and several distributed-memory parallel numerical computing examples using MPI. The Julia language will be used in the examples. It would be straightforward to translate the Julia examples into other languages, such as C and Fortran, if desired.

Introduction to Photogrammetry and Mobile LiDAR Scanning


Please REGISTER in advance here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop.   3D models can be formed in a number of ways. Two common surveying methods that result in 3D models are photogrammetry and light detection and ranging or lidar for short. A...
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Multiple Imputation in R


Please REGISTER in advance here. Workshop will be conducted in Zoom in PST time. Invites are sent out the day before the workshop.   The purpose of this workshop is to discuss commonly used techniques for handling missing data and common issues that could arise when these techniques are used. In particular, we will focus...
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Data Visualization with Python I: Plotting Fundamentals


Python is a very popular language for computational and data science, and it has many powerful capabilities for visualizing data.  Data visualization plays an essential role in representing data so that its underlying patterns might be conveyed and understood.  The first part of this series will showcase various ways that Python can be used for...
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Introduction to Spatial Statistics with Python


Registration link: Visual interpretations are meaningful ways to determine spatial trends in our data. However, underlying factors—such as inconsistent geographies, scale, data gaps, overlapping data—have the potential to produce incorrect assumptions, as valuable information may be conveniently hidden from the visual output. One way to address this issue is to amend your visual output...
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Data Visualization with Python II: Making Interactive Plots and Widgets


Python is a very popular language for computational and data science, and it has many powerful capabilities for visualizing data.  Data visualization plays an essential role in representing data so that its underlying patterns might be conveyed and understood.  The second part of this series will explore various ways that Python can be used to...
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Singularity on Hoffman2: Using containers on HPC resources


Singularity is a free, cross-platform and open-source software that can run Operating System Virtualization also known as Containerization. This type of virtualization allows you to run an Operating System within a host Operating System. Hoffman2 has the ability to run containerized software with singularity. This presentation will demonstrate using Singularity on Hoffman2. This presentation will...
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R Graphics: Introduction to ggplot2


Zoom registration required: This seminar teaches the “grammar” of graphics that underlies the ggplot2 package, allowing the user to build eye-catching, publication-quality graphics layer-by-layer. We cover the basic elements of the grammar of graphics, including aesthetics, geoms, scales, and themes, and we will show you how easy ggplot2 makes it to integrate these elements...
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Package Management in Julia


The Julia language has a rich and fast-growing ecosystem in the form of open-source packages. We will cover the fundamentals of Julia's package management system, using either via the REPL (interactive command prompt) or the Pkg package, and show how to manage multiple sets of packages in the user environment. We will also discuss how to organize your Julia code into a package and share with others. Registration required.

High-Performance Data Science in Python (1) Interpreter War


This workshop series will present an extensive discussion on how to improve the performance of Python in data science by looking under the hood of its language/libraries and using the technologies to make Python a practical solution for the high-performance big data analytics. In the first session, we will focus on how to boost the speed of python code in an interperter level by explaining the concepts (e.g. GIL, GIT) and introducing the packages of pypy, numba, pythran, cython etc. Although no specific prerequisite is required to attend the talk, having programming experience in Python will be helpful to fully understand the lecture content.

Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster: Intro (Part I)


** THIS WORKSHOP IS BEING RESCHEDULED TO MAY 10, 2021 ** The Hoffman2 Cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This workshop is part I of a three-seminar series designed to introduce users to the Hoffman2 Cluster environment and to clarify the process of porting applications or using applications already available...
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Introduction to Regression in R


Zoom registration required: Regression analysis is one of the most powerful statistical techniques that is used to explain variability in a response (dependent) variable as a function of one or more predictor (explanatory or independent) variables. The aim of this seminar is to help participants increase their skills in using regression analysis with R....
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High-Performance Data Science in Python (2) DataFrame Game


This workshop series will present an extensive discussion on how to improve the performance of Python in data science by looking under the hood of its language/libraries and using the technologies to make Python a practical solution for the high-performance big data analytics. In the second session, we will focus on how to load/process the super big dataset in Python using a single machine and comparing the dataframe implementations from Pandas, Modin, Pandarallel, Dask and Vaex etc. Although no specific prerequisite is required to attend the talk, having programming experience in Python's numpy and Pandas packages will be helpful to fully understand the lecture content.

Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster: Case Studies (Part II)


** THIS WORKSHOP IS BEING RESCHEDULED TO MAY 17, 2021 ** The Hoffman2 Cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This workshop is part II of a three-seminar series designed to introduce users to the Hoffman2 Cluster environment and to clarify the process of porting applications or using applications already available...
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Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) in R with lavaan


Zoom registration required: This workshop will cover basic concepts of confirmatory factor analysis by introducing the CFA model and looking at examples of a one-factor, two-factor and second-order CFA. Concepts such as model identification, standardized solutions, and model fit statistics such as the chi-square statistic, CFI, TLI and RMSEA will be covered. The focus...
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Data Visualization with Julia


The Julia language has a unified interface to its plotting functionalities, supported by multiple backends such as plotly and pyplot (matplotlib). We will cover the fundamentals of Julia's plotting capability, and show the process of creating data visualization from select examples, including interactive and animated plots. Registration required.

Introduction to Virtual Machines and Containers


A virtual machine is an isolated operating system environment running on top of the host computer’s original operating system. This hypervisor-based technology enables us to run one or multiple operating systems on the same host computer (e.g. a Linux virtual machine on top of a Windows host computer). However, a virtual machine can be resource-heavy...
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Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster: Case Studies (Part III)


** THIS WORKSHOP IS BEING RESCHEDULED TO MAY 24, 2021 ** The Hoffman2 Cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This workshop is part III of a three-seminar series designed to introduce users to the Hoffman2 Cluster environment and to clarify the process of porting applications or using applications already available...
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Applied Survey Data Analysis in Stata


Zoom registration required: This workshop will discuss the following topics: • how complex survey data are different from other types of data • how to do to basic descriptive statistics with continuous and categorical variables • how to make descriptive graphs with complex survey data • how to run a variety of regression models,...
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Learning Scikit-Learn: the basics


As machine learning gains more and more popularity in science and technology in recent years, scikit-learn becomes one of the must-have libraries in the general machine learning toolbox. In this lecture we will present an introduction about the basics of scikit-learn python library. Prerequisite knowledge for the workshop includes Python programming and basic machine learning concepts.

High Performance Machine Learning Using Scikit-Learn


As machine learning gains more and more popularity in science and technology in recent years, scikit-learn becomes one of the must-have libraries in the general machine learning toolbox. In this lecture we will discuss some advanced topic on using scikit-learn python library to make high performance machine learning, specifically the speedup modeling using multicore and accelerators and out-of-core learning. The session assumes the knowledge of topics covered in the first session. Working experience on Python programming, basic machine learning concepts and Scikit-learn will be helpful.

Introduction to Augmented Reality with Artivive


Augmented reality (AR) is the layering of computer-generated perceptual information onto real environments. The experience requires a level of interactivity and sensory engagement. AR is being adopted across the fields of architecture and engineering, as well as adopted by artists to make creative connections between our shared reality and that of innumerable virtual worlds. This...
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Introduction to Open Source Web GIS with Leaflet


Research projects are often confronted with the need to publish results to communicate their findings to the general audience. Publishing research on an interactive web-based map is an effective and visually compelling way to do so. In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of HTML, CSS and Javascript. We will use the Leaflet library...
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