This workshop is a follow-up to a previous workshop on “Using Containers on HPC Resources” ( This workshop will focus on creating containers to be ran on HPC resources. We…
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Building/Compiling software on Hoffman2
This Hoffman2 Happy Hour will discuss how to build and compile software on Hoffman2. This can also be applied to most HPC resources that researchers may use. While Hoffman2 system…
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Hoffman2 Happy Hour: Using Anaconda on Hoffman2
Anaconda ( is a distribution of R and Python that can be used to easily install many popular data science, biostats, and other packages. This Hoffman2 Happy Hour will go…
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Using Container on HPC resources
This workshop will go over how to use container on HPC resources. Containers are a great way to run scientific software on various HPC platforms. Users can create a ‘virtual’…
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High-Performance Data Science in Python (1) Interpreter War
This workshop series will present an extensive discussion on how to improve the performance of Python in data science by looking under the hood of its language/libraries and using the technologies to make Python a practical solution for the high-performance big data analytics. In the first session, we will focus on how to boost the speed of python code in an interperter level by explaining the concepts (e.g. GIL, GIT) and introducing the packages of pypy, numba, pythran, cython etc. Although no specific prerequisite is required to attend the talk, having programming experience in Python will be helpful to fully understand the lecture content.
High-Performance Data Science in Python (2) DataFrame Game
This workshop series will present an extensive discussion on how to improve the performance of Python in data science by looking under the hood of its language/libraries and using the technologies to make Python a practical solution for the high-performance big data analytics. In the second session, we will focus on how to load/process the super big dataset in Python using a single machine and comparing the dataframe implementations from Pandas, Modin, Pandarallel, Dask and Vaex etc. Although no specific prerequisite is required to attend the talk, having programming experience in Python’s numpy and Pandas packages will be helpful to fully understand the lecture content.
Essential Command Line Tools in HPC Environments
On macOS, Linux, or Windows with Cygwin, or other POSIX-compliant environments, a number of versatile, time-tested command-line open-source tools with text-based user interface (TUI) are available to support performing common…
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Advanced Computing and Data Analytics using Comet
UCLA-IDRE and San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) are happy to announce the workshop “Advanced Computing and Data Analytics using Comet” as per the following details: Venue: 5628 Math Sciences Bldg….
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Petascale Computing Institute
UCLA-IDRE, in partnership with Blue Waters, is pleased to virtually host 2019 Petascale Computing Institute at UCLA: When: August 19-23, 2019 (8 AM-3 PM PDT each day) Where: 5628 Math…
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Using Jupyter with Hoffman2 and HPC Systems
This short class will illustrate several powerful tools and features that can enhance one’s experience with Jupyter notebooks. The interactive demonstrations will include a brief overview of plotting tools and…
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