GIS & Python

Research Commons (RC) Classroom 11630F Young Research Library, 280 Charles E Young Drive North, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Register Here The Python for GIS Workshop will cover how to use open-source Geospatial Python libraries. Topics included are: how to clean geospatial data with Python, converting files, and automating geoprocessing tasks with Python. If you have questions regarding the workshop, please contact the instructor Albert Kochaphum.

Making PDFs the Easy Way

Learning Lab Rolfe Hall 2118 Rolfe Hall, Los Angeles, CA, United States

REGISTER NOW PDF is one of the most common document formats at UCLA. People who are blind, low-vision or have dyslexia rely on assistive technologies and screenreading software to “read text out loud” to them. However, many PDF documents created are completely inaccessible or frustrating for screenreader users. Public PDFs posted on websites, PDF course...
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XSEDE HPC Workshop – Summer Boot Camp

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

UCLA-IDRE along with XSEDE and Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center is pleased to announce the following four day Summer Boot Camp on High Performance Computing: Event: XSEDE HPC Workshop - Summer Boot Camp When: June 3-6, 2019, 8 AM-2 PM PDT each day Where: 5628 Math Sciences Building, UCLA For details and registration: This 4-day event will include MPI, OpenMP,...
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Accessibility Basics Training Webinar


Register Now People who are blind, low-vision or have dyslexia rely on assistive technologies and screenreading software to “read text out loud” to them. However, many documents and websites created are completely inaccessible or just frustrating for screenreader users. Learn accessible design and content management tools to make it easier for people with disabilities to...
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Decomposing Interactions in R (Part II)

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Description This is the second part of the seminar on decomposing interactions in R. Methods of decomposing continuous-by-categorical and categorical-by-categorical interactions will be reinforced with hands-on exercises. Requirements A laptop with R installed is required for the hands-on exercises; and prior attendance of the first part of the seminar is recommended but not required. Download...
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Petascale Computing Institute

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

UCLA-IDRE, in partnership with Blue Waters, is pleased to virtually host 2019 Petascale Computing Institute at UCLA: When: August 19-23, 2019 (8 AM-3 PM PDT each day) Where: 5628 Math Sciences Bldg. Contact: T.V. Singh The goal of the institute is to enable computational and data-enabled discovery in all fields of study by teaching the...
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Accessibility Basics Training Webinar

Register Now People who are blind, low-vision or have dyslexia rely on assistive technologies and screenreading software to “read text out loud” to them. However, many documents and websites created are completely inaccessible or just frustrating for screenreader users. Learn accessible design and content management tools to make it easier for people with disabilities to...
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Universal Design for Learning and Inclusive Instruction

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

REGISTER HERE 16% of UCLA undergraduate students have a disability. Help empower this growing population through accessible curriculum design and web content. In this session, you will learn the challenges for people with disabilities, understand the impact of assistive technology and screenreading software to “read text out loud”, and receive hands-on experience building an accessible document....
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Stats Camp @ UCLA

IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The IDRE Statistical Consulting Group is excited to present two new statistical analysis training seminars from our partners at Stats Camp, which will be held here at UCLA from September 30 to October 2, 2019. Take advantage of this opportunity to build your data analysis skillset and to discuss your own research with two world-renowned experts! The...
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Job Scheduling on Hoffman2 Cluster

IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

We will discuss how to effectively run jobs on Hoffman2 cluster which serves a wide spectrum of user applications and is almost always heavily loaded. We will first review the model and policy of Hoffman2’s job scheduling, followed by fundamentals of using its job scheduler, Univa Grid Engine. A number of common use cases will...
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Introduction to R

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

R is a programming environment that runs on Windows, Macintosh and UNIX platforms. This class is designed for people who are just starting to use R. The students in the class will have a hands-on experience using R for doing statistics, graphics, and data management. The class notes are the scripts for the class. The...
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PowerShell Scripting on Windows 10

IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Learning PowerShell scripting is essential if you want to create virtual images or Docker containers on a Windows environment. In this demo you will be introduced to PowerShell scripting so that you can execute command line instructions similar to a bash environment in Linux. Learn more about PowerShell. If you have questions regarding the workshop,...
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Version Control with Git

IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Git is a software tool that helps users manage changes to their software over time. Git will allow you to maintain a complete change history of every file, create branches for concurrent streams of changes, trace changes with annotations, and collaborate and share work with others. This interactive introduction will demonstrate how to use Git...
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Introduction to SAS

IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

SAS is a powerful statistical package that runs on many platforms, including Windows and Unix. This class is designed for people who are just getting started using SAS. The students in the class will have a hands-on experience using SAS for statistics, graphics, and data management. The SAS class notes do not contain any of...
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Running Applications on Hoffman2 – Part I

IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Hoffman2 cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This class is designed to introduce users to the Hoffman2 cluster environment and to clarify the process of porting applications or using applications already available on the cluster. It also addresses how to port your workflow to the Hoffman2 and how to...
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Introduction to Stata

CLICC Classroom A 10740 Dickson Court, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Stata is a powerful and yet easy-to-use statistical package that runs on Windows, Macintosh and Unix platforms.  This class is designed for people who are just getting started using Stata.  The students in the class will have a hands-on experience using Stata for statistics, graphics and data management.  The class notes are the scripts for...
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Intro to GIS: Getting started with spatial research

IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

As members of an academic community with a myriad of research initiatives, the need to map information, to spatially analyze, to geoprocess, and to visualize space and time is becoming ubiquitous. But how do you get started? The answer to this question largely depends on what you want to map, and how you want to create your map. The what is...
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Introduction to SPSS

YRL Research Commons Classroom (Room 11630F) 280 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

SPSS is a very easy-to-use statistical package that runs on Windows, Macintosh and UNIX platforms. This class is designed for people who are just starting to use SPSS. The students in the class will have a hands-on experience using SPSS for doing statistics, graphics, and data management. The class notes are the scripts for the...
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Learning Machine Learning with Kaggle Challenges: Introduction

IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

In Fall 2019, IDRE RTG will offer a series of classes on machine learning to the campus. The objective of the series is to present overviews to the exciting machine learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. This series is primarily appropriate for the beginners who...
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Running Applications on Hoffman2 – Part II

IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Hoffman2 cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This class is designed to introduce users to the Hoffman2 cluster environment and to clarify the process of porting applications or using applications already available on the cluster. It also addresses how to port your workflow to the Hoffman2 and how to...
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Accessibility Basics Training


People who are blind, low-vision or have dyslexia rely on assistive technologies and screenreading software to “read text out loud” to them. However, many documents and websites created are completely inaccessible or just frustrating for screenreader users. Learn accessible design and content management tools to make it easier for people with disabilities to engage with...
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Introduction to Jupyter

IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Jupyter Notebook is a computing tool that allows users to edit and run Python, R, Julia (and many other programming languages) inside a web browser. Furthermore, it is a powerful tool that allows users to combine live code, text, and visualizations in an interactive, shareable, reproducible document. It has been growing in popularity in...
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Learning Machine Learning with Kaggle Challenges: Solving Titanic Problem

IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

In Fall 2019, IDRE RTG will offer a series of classes on machine learning to the campus. The objective of the series is to present overviews to the exciting machine learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. This series is primarily appropriate for the beginners who...
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Addressing the Vaccine Crisis: The Digital World, Big Data, and Public Health

James Bridges Theater, UCLA Melnitz Hall 235 Charles E Young Dr, Los Angeles, CA, United States

  Venue: James Bridges Theater, UCLA Melnitz Hall, 235 Charles E Young Dr., Los Angeles, CA - 90095 Register: RSVP link Questions: Contact T.V. Singh Organizers: Vwani Roychowdhury Timothy R. Tangherlini Beth Glenn Catherine Crespi Roshan Bastani Addressing the Vaccine Crisis: The Digital World, Big Data, and Public Health The World Health Organization has identified...
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UCLA/CESMII Presentation on Singularity Container

OIT Conference Room 3909 3909 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Singularity in many ways is similar to Docker container which many of you are familiar. The high performance computing community tends to favor Singularity over Docker because Singularity has a better control over security compared to Docker.  In the past presentation we have looked into the security issues on Docker.  So, we won't be looking...
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Introduction to GIS and Python

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

An introduction to using GeoSpatial tools with Python. If you have questions regarding the workshop, please contact Albert Kochpahum.


Learning Machine Learning with Kaggle Challenges: Deep Learning for Dogs-vs-Cats Problem

IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

In Fall 2019, IDRE RTG will offer a series of classes on machine learning to the campus. The objective of the series is to present overviews to the exciting machine learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. This series is primarily appropriate for the beginners who...
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Advanced Computing and Data Analytics using Comet

IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

UCLA-IDRE and San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) are happy to announce the workshop “Advanced Computing and Data Analytics using Comet” as per the following details: Venue: 5628 Math Sciences Bldg. RSVP: Link to the registration form (*lunch is provided) Requirements: Bring your laptop for hands-on exercises. Questions: Contact T.V.Singh Link to the presentation slides:
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Learning Machine Learning with Kaggle Challenges: Deep Learning for Dogs-vs-Cats Problem with Better Solutions

IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

In Fall 2019, IDRE RTG will offer a series of classes on machine learning to the campus. The objective of the series is to present overviews to the exciting machine learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. This series is primarily appropriate for the beginners who...
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Introduction to R

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

R is a programming environment that runs on Windows, Macintosh and UNIX platforms. This class is designed for people who are just starting to use R. The students in the class will have a hands-on experience using R for doing statistics, graphics, and data management. The class notes are the scripts for the class. The...
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Accessibility Basics Training


People who are blind, low-vision or have dyslexia rely on assistive technologies and screenreading software to “read text out loud” to them. However, many documents and websites created are completely inaccessible or just frustrating for screenreader users. Learn accessible design and content management tools to make it easier for people with disabilities to engage with...
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IDRE Visualization Portal, Math Sciences Building 5628 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

UCLA-IDRE, along with XSEDE and Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, is pleased to announce a two day Big Data workshop (Dec 3-4, 2019, 8 AM-2 PM PDT each day). This workshop will focus on topics such as Hadoop and Spark and will be presented using the Wide Area Classroom (WAC) training platform. For registration and detailed information,...
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Accessibility Basics Training


People who are blind, low-vision or have dyslexia rely on assistive technologies and screenreading software to “read text out loud” to them. However, many documents and websites created are completely inaccessible or just frustrating for screenreader users. Learn accessible design and content management tools to make it easier for people with disabilities to engage with...
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Introduction to Data Visualization

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

There are many ways to communicate the results of research. Visually representing data provides a valuable perspective within an academic argument. Data visualizations provide an overview or snapshot of a dataset, draw attention to outliers, demonstrate trends, or simply help us to understand our data better. Functioning as evidentiary support, data visualizations can sharpen key...
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Software Carpentry Workshop – R

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

REGISTER HERE This is a two day workshop.  Software Carpentry aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills. This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including program design, version control, data management, and task automation. Workshop Website: (for more information on...
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Introduction to GIS and Spatial Research

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

As members of an academic community with a myriad of research initiatives, the need to map information, to spatially analyze, to geoprocess, and to visualize space and time is becoming ubiquitous. But how do you get started? The answer to this question largely depends on what you want to map, and how you want to create your map. The what is...
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Data Visualization with Python

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Python offers many graphing libraries for placing data into a visual context. This short class will be an interactive overview of libraries such as matplotlib, seaborn, ggplot, Plotly, Bokeh, and others, with a view to exploring features such plotting control, usability, and interactivity. Familiarity with Python will be useful. If you have any further questions...
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R Markdown

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

R Markdown files integrate text, Markdown, and R code into dynamic documents that weave together plain text, formatted text, and the output of the R code.  The resulting dynamic reports can be produced in many formats, including HTML documents, HTML slideshows, LaTeX pdf, Beamer slideshows, MS Word doc, books, scientific articles, and websites.   This seminar...
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Jupyter Advanced Topics

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This short class will illustrate several powerful tools and features that can enhance one’s experience with Jupyter notebooks. The interactive demonstrations will include a brief overview of how to make interactive widgets for interactive visualizations and dashboards, how to generate analysis pipelines and reports, and how to link notebooks with online tools such as GitHub...
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Accessibility Basics Training


People who are blind, low-vision or have dyslexia rely on assistive technologies and screenreading software to “read text out loud” to them. However, many documents and websites created are completely inaccessible or just frustrating for screenreader users. Learn accessible design and content management tools to make it easier for people with disabilities to engage with...
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Regression Models with Count Data

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Regression models for data with a count outcome is part of the family of generalized linear models. This workshop is designed to give an overview on regression model with count data. The workshop includes a broad range of analyses available for count regression models such as Poisson regression, negative binomial, zero-inflated Poisson, and zero-inflated negative...
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Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (1) Introduction

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected...
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Introduction to Survey Data Analysis in Stata

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The workshop will introduce the basic concepts and elements necessary to analyze data collected via a complex sampling design.  The workshop will use Stata to conduct descriptive analyses and create graphs.  Examples of subpopulation analyses will be given, as well as examples of linear and logistic regression models. If you have questions or comments regarding...
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Accessibility Testing Training


In this live hour-long webinar the UCLA Disabilities and Computing Program will introduce the basics of accessibility testing. The ability to identify accessibility errors is the first step in making your content accessible.  This class will focus on HTML accessibility and Document accessibility testing. Learning Outcomes By the end of this training you should be...
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Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (2) Mechanics of Deep Learning

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected...
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Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (3) Using PyTorch

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected...
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Job Scheduling on Hoffman2 Cluster

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

We will discuss how to effectively run jobs on Hoffman2 cluster which serves a wide spectrum of user applications and is almost always heavily loaded. We will first review the model and policy of Hoffman2’s job scheduling, followed by fundamentals of using its job scheduler, Univa Grid Engine. A number of common use cases will...
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Advanced Topics in Survey Data Analysis

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This workshop will cover advanced topics in the analysis of complex survey data.  Familiarity with common sampling plans and how to analyze data from them is necessary to understand the topics that will be discussed.  It is strongly suggested that attendees who do not have such familiarity attend the Introduction to Survey Data Analysis workshop...
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Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster: Part I

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Hoffman2 cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This class is designed to clarify the process of getting started on the cluster, navigating the command line and porting your own applications or using applications already available on the cluster. It also addresses how to import your workflow to Hoffman2 and...
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Learning Deep Learning with PyTorch (4) Convolutional Neural Networks

IDRE Portal 5628 Math Sciences Building, 520 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This workshop series is to present overviews to the exciting deep learning techniques and to provide a practical guide for general audience to step into the field. It will be primarily appropriate for the beginners who want to learn the techniques and apply to their future research activities. Researchers with deep learning experiences are expected...
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